学長 白石 隆
私ども政策研究大学院大学は、民主的統治を担う指導者の養成を目的とする大学です。政策研究のための教育?研究機関という建学の趣旨に鑑み、本学 の人材、ネットワーク及びこれまでに蓄積してきた研究成果を結集し、東日本大震災後の復興に貢献することが本学の使命であるとの考えから、震災復興体制に 関する緊急提言(第1次提言)を、本学政策研究センター所長の森地茂教授を中心とした教員有志でとりまとめ、4月22日に公表いたしました。
May 16, 2011
To whom it may concern
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
President Takashi Shiraishi
Proposals on Disaster Recovery Policy for Great East Japan Earthquake (Second Stage Proposal)
The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) is a graduate school aimed at producing leaders of democratic governance. In accordance with our initial spirit of establishing an education and research institute for policy studies, teaching staff volunteers led by the director of our Policy Research Center, Professor Shigeru Morichi, compiled and announced on April 22 our first set of urgent proposals on a framework for earthquake recovery, in consideration of the fact that it is a mission of GRIPS to concentrate our accumulated human resources, networks and research achievements and make a contribution to recovery efforts in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Based on the first set of proposals, we hereby present our second set, which we compiled by digging into more specific ways of reforming and establishing institutions.
We would be very happy if these proposals are of help to the efforts that the national and municipal governments are currently making as measures to deal with various issues in the course of earthquake recovery.
Urgent Proposals on Framework for Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery (April 22, 2011)
"Simple Recommendations for Recovery Policy by Labor Economist"(Dainn Wie助教授)