
WIE, Dainn

役 職 准教授
学 位 博士(経済学)ハーバード大学
専門分野 Applied Microeconomics, Empirical Trade
現在の研究対象 * The impact of trade on firms and the labor market
* Discrimination against women and migrants
* Unequal impacts of climate change
  • 略歴

2004 B.A in Economics, Korea University

2006 M.A in Economics, Harvard University

2010 Ph.D in Economics, Harvard University

2010-2016: Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

2016-present: Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)


  • 主要な著作?論文等

"Technological Change, Skill Demand, and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Indonesia," World Development, vol. 67, pp. 238-250, 2015 (with Jong-Wha Lee)

"Between Calm and Passion: The Cooling-Off Period and Divorce Decisions in Korea," Feminist Economics, vol. 21, No. 2, 187-214, 2015 (with Hyoungjong Kim)

"Return to Education and Skills in the Labor Market: Evidence from Japan and Korea," Asian Economic Policy Review, vol. 12, No. 1, 2017 (with Jong-Wha Lee)

"The Five Day Workweek System and Investor Inattention," 2018, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, vol. 25, Issue 4. (with Taewook Kim)

"Wage Structure and Gender Earnings Differentials in China and India," World Development, vol.97, issue C, 313-329, 2017 (with Jong-Wha Lee)

Legal Entitlement and Bargaining Power of Marriage Immigrants in Korea," Feminist Economics, 26(3), 90-118, 2020 (with Hanol Lee)

"Importing Inequality: Trade Liberalization, Technology, and Women's Employment" forthcoming in Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (with Yoko Oishi)


  • ?ホームページ



  • メールアドレス


※送信する際には後ろに「@grips.ac.jp」 と入れてください。


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