役 職 | 名誉教授 |
学 位 | Ph.D.(経済学、ワシントン大学)、B.A.(歴史学、ワシントン大学) |
専門分野 | マクロ経済学、金融論 |
現在の研究対象 | Interplay of wealth, liquidity, and credit in the liquidity sump interpretation of Japan's great stagnation. |
- 略 歴
1969年ワシントン大学文学部歴史学科卒、79~80年ワシントン州立大学経済学部助教授、81年ワシントン大学大学院経済学部卒(Ph.D.取得)、 80~88年カンサス州立大学経済学部助教授(テニアー取得)、87~88年国際大学客員准教授、88年埼玉大学大学院政策科学研究科助教授、91年同教授、97年本学教授、2011年本学副学長、2013年本学学長顧問、名誉教授、特別教授(現在に至る)。
- 主要な著作?論文等
"Monetary Policy Effectiveness and Yield Curve Dynamics," (with Mohamed Z.M. Aazim) The Japanese Economy, vol. 38, no. 4, Winter 2011-12, pp. 109-35.
"The Curious Case of the Liquidity Trap" The Hikone Ronso, no. 387, Spring 2011, pp. 8-21.
"Window Guidance by the Bank of Japan: Was Lending Controlled?" (with Naoyuki Yoshino), Contemporary Economic Policy, April 1999, pp. 166-76.
"Sources of Output Fluctuations in the Postwar Japanese Economy" (with K. Ashwin), Journal of Economics, vol. XXIV, no.2, 1998, pp. 31-48.
"The Cyclical Behavior of Government Lending Institutions in Japan," Journal of Economics, vol. XXIII, 1997, pp. 1-15.
"Walras' Law in Macroeconomic Disequilibrium: A Reply," Australian Economic Papers, vol. 29, no. 55, December 1990, pp. 283-86.
"Forecasting Kansas Macroeconomic Variables Using Vector Autoregressive Methods," (with Dana Ferrell and Mark Meador), Journal of Economics, vol. XI, 1985, pp. 99-101.
"A General Equilibrium Model with Symmetric Income Constraints and an Endogenous Real Wage,"Midsouth Journal of Economics, vol. 8, no. 3, December 1984, pp. 337-46.
"The Fisher Hypothesis, Obligational Markets, and the Neutrality of Expected Money Growth: A Joint Test with Quarterly U.S. Data" (with Dana Ferrell), Journal of Economics, vol. X, 1984, pp. 32-36.
"Walras' Law and Clower's Inequality," Australian Economic Papers, vol. 23, no. 42, June 1984, pp. 112-122. Reprinted in Donald A. Walker (ed.), The Legacy of Leon Walras, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, vol. II, 2001, pp. 485-95.
"Expected Money Growth, Expected Money Surprise, and Short-Term Yields," (with Dana Ferrell),Journal of Economics, vol. IX, 1983, pp. 102-107.
- 社会貢献等
Colonel (Retired), U.S. Army Reserve
President-Elect, Far East Department, Reserve Officers Association
Deputy Chief of Staff for Host Nation Activities (G5), U.S. Army Japan (1996-2002)
Infantry Platoon Leader and Company Commander, Vietnam (1970-71)
Decorations: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star (three awards), Meritorious Service Medal
- リンク
- メールアドレス
※送信する際には後ろに「@grips.ac.jp」 と入れてください。