役 職 | 名誉教授 |
学 位 | 経済学博士号(Ph.D.)、シカゴ大学 |
専門分野 | 開発経済学 |
現在の研究対象 | アジアとアフリカにおける(1)産業集積(2)「緑の革命」(3)農地改革の研究 |
1979年 エール大学経済成長研究所ポストドクトラルフェロー
1980年 東京都立大学経済学部講師
1981年 同大学助教授
1991年 同大学経済学部教授
1986年-1989年 国際稲研究所(IRRI)客員研究員兼任
1993年-1998年 国際食糧政策研究所(IFPRI)客員研究員兼任
2001年 国際開発高等教育機構プロフェッソリアル?フェロー、政策研究大学院大学教授兼任
2003年 GRIPS/FASID 共同大学院プログラムディレクター
2010年 政策研究大学院大学教授
2014年 政策研究大学院大学特別教授
2011年-2012年 世界銀行主任研究員
- 主要な著作?論文等
Comparative Technology Choice in Development: The Indian and Japanese Cotton Textile Industries. London: Macmillan Press, 1988 (with Gustav Ranis and Gary Saxonhouse).
The Economics of Contract Choice: An Agrarian Perspective. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993 (with Yujiro Hayami).
Modern Rice Technology and Income Distribution in Asia. Boulder, Col.: Lynne Rienner, 1994 (edited with Cristina C. David).
Industrial Reform in China: Past Performance and Future Prospects. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998 (with Deqiang Liu and Naoki Murakami). [Translated into Chinese and published by the Shanghai United Press and People's Press of Shanghai in 2000].
Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management: A Comparative Study of Agrarian Communities in Asia and Africa. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001 (edited with Frank Place).
Land and Schooling: Transferring Wealth across Generations. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004 (with Agnes R. Quisumbing and Jonna P. Estudillo).
Cluster-Based Industrial Development: An East Asian Model. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 (with Tetsushi Sonobe).
Contributions ofAgricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues, Proceedings of 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007 (edited with Kaliappa Kalirajan).
Agriculture in Developing Countries: Technology Issues. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2008 (edited with Kaliappa Kalirajan).
The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa: Assessing the Impacts on Poverty, Equity, and Efficiency. Baltimore, MD: Resources for the Future, 2009 (edited with Stein T. Holden and Frank Place).
Rural Poverty and Income Dynamics in Asia and Africa. London, UK: Routledge, 2009 (edited with Jonna P. Estudillo and Yasuyuki Sawada).
Cluster-Based Industrial Development: A Comparative Study of Asia and Africa, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 (with Tetsushi Sonobe).
Community, Market, and State in Development: In Honor of Professor Yujiro Hayami. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 (edited with Kaliappa Kalirajan).
Emerging Development of Agriculture in East Africa: Markets, Soil, and Innovations. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Springer, 2011 (edited with Takashi Yamano and Frank Place).
Can Economic Growth Be Sustained? The Collected Papers of Vernon W. Ruttan and Yujiro Hayami. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011 (edited with C. Ford Runge).
Miraculous Growth and Stagnation: Lessons from the Experience of Postwar Japanese Economic Development. London, UK: Routledge, 2011 (edited with Koichi Hamada, Gustav Ranis, and Ken Togo).
An African Green Revolution in Large-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dordrecht: Springer, forthcoming in 2012 (edited with Donald Larson)
Strategy for a Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa. Unpublished manuscript: World Bank (edited with Donald Larson).
"Induced Bias of Technical Change in Agriculture: The United States and Japan, 1880-1980." Journal of Political Economy 94 (3), June 1986, pp. 523-44 (with Toshihiko Kawagoe and Yujiro Hayami).
"Land and Labor Contracts in Agrarian Economies: Theories and Facts." Journal of Economic Literature 30 (4), December 1992, pp. 1965-2018 (with Hiroyuki Chuma and Yujiro Hayami).
"Population, Land Tenure, and Natural Resource Management: The Case of Customary Land Areas in Malawi." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 41 (1), January 2001, pp. 13-32 (with Frank Place).
"The Determinants of Credit Access and Its Impacts on Micro and Small Enterprises: The Case of Garment Producers in Kenya." Economic Development and Cultural Change 54 (4), July 2006, pp. 927-44 (with John E. Akoten and Yasuyuki Sawada).
"An Inquiry into the Transformation Process of Village-based Industrial Clusters: The Case of an Iron and Steel Cluster in Northern Vietnam," Journal of Comparative Economics, 37(4), December 2009, pp. 568-81 (with Vu Hoang Nam and Tetsushi Sonobe).
"Fiscal Decentralization and Development Outcomes in India: An Exploratory Analysis." World Development, August 2012, 40(8): 1511-21 (with Kaliappa Kalirajan).
"Assessing the Impact of Training on Lowland Rice Productivity in an African Setting: Evidence from Uganda." World Development, August 2012, 40(8): 1619-33 (with Yoko Kijima and Noriyuki Ito).
- 社会貢献等
1993年 アメリカ農業経済学会賞(The Quality of Research Discovery)
1995年 日経?経済図書文化賞
1999年 日本農業経済学会誌賞
2004年 NIRA大来政策研究賞
2004年 日経?経済図書文化賞
2010年 紫綬褒章
- その他
2002-2007年 国際稲研究所(International Rice Research Institute)理事
2004-2007年 理事長(同上)
2008-2010年 特別顧問(同上)
2003-2006年 国際農業経済学会副会長
2006-2009年 次期会長(同上)
2009-2012年 会長(同上)
- リンク
- メールアドレス
※送信する際には後ろに「@grips.ac.jp」 と入れてください。