

役 職 Professor(joint-appointment)
学 位 Ph.D (Eng.)
専門分野 Hydrological modelling and prediction, Satellite remote sensing, Water resources management, Weather and climate predictions, Satellite data assimilation methods
現在の研究対象 Current Research Interests Meeting the increasing demand for water, food and energy (the most important natural resources for sustaining life on earth) in the face of a growing population and a changing climate is a major challenge in managing and securing these limited resources. my research aims to develop integrated research and innovative tools by synthesising knowledge from the state of the art in science and technology to understand the water-food-energy nexus, including the effects of climate change, and thus contribute to helping societies and communities to manage current and future water, food and energy resources effectively.
  • 主な経歴

Academic background:
Oct. 2007-Sep. 2010: Ph.D (Civil Eng.), the University of Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 2004-Sep. 2006: Master of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Japan
July 1998-Nov. 2002: Bachelor of Science in Engineering with first class honors, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Employment Record:
Mar. 2015-to date: Senior Researcher, International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHARM) , Public Works Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan

Apr.2021-to date: Professor(joint-appointment), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan

Mar. 2015-Mar.2021: Associate Professor(joint-appointment), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan
Jul. 2014-Mar. 2015: Project Associate Professor, The Earth Observation Data Integration & Fusion Research Initiative (EDITORIA), Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 2011-Jun. 2014: Project Research Associate, The Earth Observation Data Integration & Fusion Research Initiative (EDITORIA) ,Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 2010-Sep. 2011: Researcher, Dept. of Civil Eng. The University of Tokyo, Japan
Nov. 2006-Apr. 2007: Research Engineer, Lanka Hydraulic Institute (LHI), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Jul. 2007-Sep, 2007: Researcher, Dept of Civil Eng. University of Tokyo, Japan
Apr. 2003-Sep. 2004: Research Engineer, Lanka Hydraulic Institute (LHI), Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

  • 主要な論文等



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