

役 職 教授
学 位 Ph. D. (Economics), Columbia University
専門分野 Development, Public, and Political Economics, Microeconometrics
現在の研究対象 Accountability and Corruption, Political Institutions, Policy Evaluation in Education and Health
  • 略歴

2021 - Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

2016 - 2021 Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

2014 - 2016 Post-doctoral Researcher, IAE-CSIC

2008 - 2014 Assistant Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

2008 - 2016 Affiliated Professor, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics


  • 主要な著作?論文等

"Are Rules-based Government Programs Shielded from Special-Interest Politics? Evidence from Revenue-Sharing Transfers in Brazil," Journal of Public Economics, 2012, 96: 1047-1060.


"The Impact of Intergovernmental Transfers on Education Outcomes and Poverty Reduction," with Kevin M. Morrison, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2013, 5(4): 206-240.


"Saving Lives: Evidence from a Conditional Food Supplementation Program," with Marian Meller, Journal of Human Resources, 2014, 49(4): 1017-1055.


"Adapting the Supply of Education to the Needs of Girls: Evidence from a Policy Experiment in Rural India," with Marian Meller, Journal of Human Resources, 2016, 51(3): 760-802.


  • その他

2014 - Associate Editor, The Journal of Human Resources

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