役 職 | 教授、Economics, Planning and Public Policy Programディレクター |
学 位 | M.Phil, University of Cambridge, 1994年 |
専門分野 | 東南アジア地域研究、開発経済論 |
現在の研究対象 | ミャンマー民主化の進展と後退:貿易、投資、企業活動への影響 |
- 略歴
1994年 アジア経済研究所
2000 - 2002年 ヤンゴン経済大学
2003年 ミャンマー政府農業灌漑省
新領域研究センター長、研究企画部長等を経て、 2015年 政策研究大学院大学 教授
- 主な著作?論文等
Research on the Southeast Asian and Myanmar economy (in English):
?"Post-junta Myanmar: "democratization," economic growth, coup d'etat" in Shinichi Kitaoka ed., A Western pacific union: Japan's new geopolitical strategy, Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture: Tokyo, 2023, pp.154-188.
?"Democratic reforms and trade: evidence from the European Union's generalized system of preferences for Myanmar (with Kiyoyasu Tanaka), Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, Vol. 39, No. 2 (August 2022), pp. 148-170.
?"Growth policy and regional balance: developmental state-building in Myanmar" (with Satoru Kumagai) in Takagi Y., Kanchoochat V., Sonobe T. eds., Emerging-economy state and international policy studies, Springer: Singapore, 2019, pp.135-156, (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2904-3_7).
?"Post-colonial industrialisation in Myanmar" (with Konosuke Odaka) in Konosuke Odaka ed., The Myanmar economy: its past, present and prospects, Springer: Tokyo, 2016, pp.155-194.
?"Five growth strategies for Myanmar: re-engagement with the global economy" (with Satoru Kumagai and So Umezaki), Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, Vol.31, No.2 (2014), pp. 173-194.
?"Myanmar: Promised growth with restored market access?" in Takahiro Fukunishi and Tatsufumi Yamagata eds., The garment industry in low-income countries: an entry point of industrialization, Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2014, pp.177-212.
?"Progress in cross-border movement and the development of border economic zones" (pp.3-28), "Border development in Myanmar: the case of the Myawaddy-Mae Sot Border" (pp.186-205) and "Myanmar's border trade with China: roads, gates and peace" (pp. 279-295) in Masami Ishida ed., Border Economies in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2013.
?"Distribution of Myanmar rice mills in the age of economic integration" (with Toshitaka Gokan) in Ikuo Kuroiwa ed., Economic integration and the location of industries, Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2012, pp.150-172.
?"Myanmar's economic relations with China and Japan: opportunities and challenges" in Lam Peng Er and Victor Teo eds., Southeast Asia between China and Japan, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: London, 2012, pp.179-194.
?"Growth and decline of the garment industry in Myanmar: market, firms and policy" in Naoko Amakawa ed., Industrialization in late-developing ASEAN countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, NUS Press: Singapore, 2010, pp.128-158.
?"Myanmar and Japan: How close friends become estranged?" in Guy Fayre ed,, New Dynamics between China and Japan in Asia: How to build the future from the past, World Scientific: Singapore, 2010, pp.1249-269.
?"Border industry in Myanmar: plugging into production networks through border industry" (with Ikuo Kuroiwa) in Ikuo Kuroiwa ed., Plugging into production networks: industrialization strategy in less developed Southeast Asian countries, ISEAS: Singapore, 2009, pp.214-244.
?"Industrial policies and the development of Myanmar's industrial sector in the transition to a market economy" in Koichi Fujita, Fumiharu Mieno and Ikuko Okamoto eds., The economic transition in Myanmar after 1988: market economy versus state control, Kyoto CSEA series on Asian studies 1, NUS Press: Singapore, 2009, pp.66-102.
?"The Impact of United States sanctions on garment industry in Myanmar," Asian Survey, Vol.XLVIII, No.6, November/December 2008, pp.997-1017.
?"Myanmar's economic relations with China: who benefits and who pays?" in Monique Skidmore and Trevor Wilson eds., Dictatorship, disorder and decline in Myanmar, ANU E-Press: Canberra, 2008, pp.87-109.
- 社会貢献等
サステナブリッジ 理事
国際情勢研究所 東南アジア研究会メンバー
- メディア対応可能な分野
- メールアドレス
※送信する際には後ろに「@grips.ac.jp」 と入れてください。