役 職 | 客員教授、名誉教授 |
学 位 | Ph.D., 米国コーネル大学大学院 |
専門分野 | 都市経済学、公共経済学、交通経済学 |
現在の研究対象 | 政策分析に重点を置いて都市経済学及び公共経済学の研究を行ってきた。たとえば、(1)道路投資の費用便益分析手法、(2)都市集積の経済の実証分析、(3)最適都市規模に関するヘンリー?ジョージ定理のセカンドベスト経済への拡張、(4)自動車交通分野における温暖化政策のシミュレーション分析、(5)電力自由化政策のシミュレーション分析等である。 |
- 略歴
- 主要な著作?論文等
Kanemoto, Y., Theories of Urban Externalities, North-Holland, (1980).
Kanemoto, Y., "Congestion and Cost-Benefit Analysis in Cities," Journal of Urban Economics 2, 246-264, (1975).
Kanemoto, Y., "Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Second-Best Land Use for Transportation," Journal of Urban Economics 4, 483-503, (1977).
Kanemoto, Y., "Externality, Migration and Urban Crises," Journal of Urban Economics 8, 150-164, (1980).
Kanemoto, Y., "Pricing and Investment Policies in the System of Competitive Commuter Railways," Review of Economic Studies 51, 665-681, (1984).
Kanemoto, Y., "Asymmetric Information in the Credit Market and Discount Rates for Public Investment," Journal of Public Economics 34, 291-309, (1987).
Kanemoto, Y., "Hedonic Prices and the Benefits of Public Projects," Econometrica 56, 981-989, (1988).
Kanemoto, Y. and W. B. MacLeod, "The Ratchet Effect and the Market for Second-Hand Workers," Journal of Labor Economics 10, No.1, 85-98, (1992).
Kanemoto, Y. and W. B. MacLeod, "Firm Reputation and Self-Enforcing Labor Contracts," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 1, 144-162, (1992).
Kanemoto, Y. and K. Kiyono, "Regulation of Commuter Railways and Spatial Development," Regional Science and Urban Economics 25, 377-394, (1995).
Kanemoto, Y., T. Kitagawa, H. Saito, and E. Shioji, (2005), "Estimating Urban Agglomeration Economies for Japanese Metropolitan Areas: Is Tokyo Too Large?" GIS-Based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Edited by A. Okabe. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 229-241.
Kanemoto, Y., (2006), "Urban Transport Economic Theory," A Companion to Urban Economics, Edited by Richard J. Arnott and Daniel P. McMillen, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 245-260.
Kanemoto, Y., (2011), "Surplus Theory," A Handbook of Transport Economics, Edited by A. de Palma, R. Lindsey, E. Quinet, and R. Vickerman, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham Glos, UK, 479 - 499.
Kanemoto, Y., (2013), "Second-best cost-benefit analysis in monopolistic competition models of urban agglomeration," Journal of Urban Economics 76, 83?92. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2013.03.006)
Behrens, K, Kanemoto, Y., and Murata, Y., (2015), "The Henry George Theorem in a second-best world," Journal of Urban Economics 85, 34-51. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2014.10.002)
日経図書文化賞(1981):"Theories of Urban Externalities," North-Holland, (1980).
Fellow, Regional Science Association International, 2007.
- 社会貢献等
社会資本整備審議会(国土交通省) 委員
交通政策審議会(国土交通省) 委員
- その他
日本交通学会 評議員
Economics of Transportation: Editorial Board Member
Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy: Associate Editor
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies: Associate Editor
Managerial and Decision Economics: Associate Editor
- リンク
- メールアドレス
※送信する際には後ろに「@grips.ac.jp」 と入れてください。