
CHEY, Hyoung-kyu

役 職 教授
学 位 Ph.D. (International Relations), London School of Economics and Political Science
専門分野 International political economy, especially the fields of money and finance, with a regional specialization in East Asia
現在の研究対象 ?The internationalization of the Chinese renminbi?Cryptocurrencies?Central bank digital currencies?The international relations of Asia
  • 略歴







Professor, GRIPS

Director, Security and International Studies Program, GRIPS

Associate Professor, GRIPS

Deputy Director, One-year and Two-year Master's Programs of Public Policy (MP1 and MP2), GRIPS

Assistant Professor, GRIPS

2017.4.-2018.3 Visiting Scholar, East Asian Studies Center, University of Southern California




Visiting Scholar, Economic Research Institute, the Bank of Korea, Seoul, South Korea
2012.8-2012.9 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Social Sciences, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea
2011.7-2011.9 Visiting Scholar, Center for International Cooperation and Strategy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea
2007.2-2011.3 Economist, Economic Research Institute, the Bank of Korea, Seoul, South Korea
2006.9-2007.2 Researcher, Institute of Social Science, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea
2006.9-2007.2 Adjunct Lecturer, Graduate School of International Studies, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea
2006.9-2007.2 Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University, Seoul, South Korea
2004.4-2005.12 Visiting Scholar, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
2003.5-2004.3 Japan Foundation Fellow, Tokyo, Japan
2003.4-2004.4 Visiting Research Scholar, Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2000.11-2001.8 Researcher, Korea Institute of Finance, Seoul, South Korea



  • 主な著作?論文等


?『??? ?? ??? ??: ??? ?? ?? ??』 [South Korea and Japan in Numbers] (Seoul: ????, 2023), in Korean.

? The International Political Economy of the Renminbi: Currency Internationalization and Reactive Currency Statecraft (Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2022)

? International Harmonization of Financial Regulation? The Politics of Global Diffusion of the Basel Capital Accord (Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2014)


Peer-reviewed journal articles

? Cryptocurrencies and the IPE of Money: An Agenda for Research, Review of International Political Economy 30(4):1605-1620, July 2023.

? The Impacts of Policy Infrastructures on the International Use of the Chinese Renminbi: A Cross-Country Analysis, Asian Survey 60(2): 221-244, March/April 2020. (With Minchung Hsu)

? Chinese Domestic Politics and the Internationalization of the Renminbi, Political Science Quarterly 135(1): 37-65, Spring 2020. (With Yu Wai Vic Li)

? The Monetary and Financial Powers of States: Theory, Dataset, and Observations on the Trajectory of American Dominance, New Political Economy25(2): 174-194, February 2020. (With Leslie Elliott Armijo and Daniel C. Tirone)

? Which Foreign States Support the Global Use of the Chinese Renminbi? The International Political Economy of Currency Internationalization, The World Economy 42(8): 2403-2426, August 2019. (With Geun-Young Kim and Dong Hyun Lee)

? The International Politics of Reactive Currency Statecraft: Japan's Reaction to the Rise of the Chinese Renminbi, New Political Economy 24(4): 510-529, May 2019.

? International Political Economy Thought in Pre-modern and Colonial Korea, International Trade, Politics and Development 3(1): 11-29, February 2019.

? Civilisational Values and Political Economy Beyond the West: The Significance of Korean Debates at the Time of Its Economic Opening, Contemporary Politics 24(2): 191-209, March 2018. (With Eric Helleiner)

? Renminbi in Ordinary Economies: A Demand-Side Study of Currency Globalization, China & World Economy 23(3): 1-21, May/June 2015.
? Can the Renminbi Rise as a Global Currency? The Political Economy of Currency Internationalization, Asian Survey 53(2): 348-368, March/April 2013.

? Theories of International Currencies and the Future of the World Monetary Order, International Studies Review 14(1): 51-77, March 2012.
? The Impact of Affinity on World Economic Integration: The Case of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment, Japan and the World Economy 24(1): 57-63, January 2012.
? Can the European Monetary System Be a Model for East Asian Monetary Cooperation?, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 15(2): 89-105, May 2010.
? Some Salient Issues Raised by the Global Financial Crisis, Pacific Economic Review 15(1): 1-10, February 2010. (With Kyung Soo Kim)
? A Political Economic Critique on the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, and the Implications for East Asia, The World Economy 32(12): 1685-1705, December 2009.
? The Changing Political Dynamics of East Asian Financial Cooperation: The Chiang Mai Initiative, Asian Survey 49(3): 450-467, May/June 2009.
? Explaining the Failure of Prudential Regulations in South Korea before the 1997 Financial Crisis, Korean Political Science Review 42(1): 227-245, March 2008. (In Korean)
? Do Markets Enhance Convergence on International Standards? The Case of Financial Regulation, Regulation & Governance 1(4): 295-311, December 2007.
? Explaining Cosmetic Compliance with International Regulatory Regimes: The Implementation of the Basle Accord in Japan, 1998-2003, New Political Economy 11(2): 271-289, June 2006.


Book chapters

? Exit for Voice: Redrawing the Global Financial Map,in Jürgen Rüland and Astrid Carrapatoso, eds., Handbook on Global Governance and Regionalism (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022), pp. 350-364. (with Saori N. Katada)

? International Financial Standards and Emerging Economies since the Global Financial Crisis, in C. Randall Henning and Andrew Walter, eds., Global Financial Governance Confronts the Rising Powers (Waterloo: Center for International Governance Innovation, 2016), pp. 61-85.

? The Political Economy of Currency Internationalization, in Thomas Oatley and William K. Winecoff, eds., Handbook of the International Political Economy of Monetary Relations (London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014), pp. 39-53.


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