
BRAUN, Richard Anton

役 職特別教授
学 位カーネギーメロン大学経済学博士号
  • 研究分野?略歴

現在は政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS)教授とキャノン?グローバル戦略研究所でのInternational Senior Fellowを兼任。マクロ経済学を専門とし、特に最近の研究では、高齢者の直面するリスクに対し、公的機関、私的機関が提供する保険制度に注目し、また高齢化社会が金融政策、財政政策にもたらす結果をマクロ経済学の観点から検証することに焦点を当てている。


主な研究業績は、Economica、the Japanese Economic Review、the Journal of Monetary Economics、the Journal of Political Economy、the Review of Economic Studiesなどの学術専門誌に掲載された。またJournal of Money, Credit and Banking及びJapanese Economic Reviewのアソシエイティド?エディターであり、Japan and the World Economyの編集委員会に席を置く。


  • 主な著作?論文等


"Old, Frail, and Uninsured: Accounting for Puzzles in the U.S. Long-Term Care Insurance Market," with Karen Kopecky and Tatyana Koreshkova, Econometrica 87, May 2019.


"Why Prices Don't Respond Sooner to a Prospective Sovereign Debt Crisis?" with Tomoyuki Nakajima, Review of Economic Dynamics 29, July 2018.


"Old, Sick, Alone and Poor: A Welfare Analysis of Old-Age Social Insurance Programs," with Karen Kopecky and Tatyana Koreshkova, Review of Economic Studies 84, April 2017.


"Some Unpleasant Properties of Log-Linearized Solutions When the Nominal Interest Rate is Zero," with Lena Boneva and Yuichiro Waki, Journal of Monetary Economics 84, December 2016.


"Implications of a Graying Japan for Government Policy," with Douglas Joines, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 57, August 2015.



Aging, Deflation and Secular Stagnation," in Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Policy Hub Papers, No. 13-2022, October 2022.


"How Does a Household's Exposure to Monetary Policy Vary over the Life Cycle?" in Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Policy Hub: Macroblog, August, 20, 2021.


"Why Cash Transfers Are Good Policy in the COVID-19 Pandemic," with Daisuke Ikeda, in Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Policy Hub, May 2020.


  • 社会貢献等

2010年~現在 キャノングローバル戦略研究所、International Senior Fellow

2017年~現在 『Japanese Economic Review』、Associate Editor

2018年~現在 I-85 Macroeconomics Workshop、Co-Organizer

2021年~現在 『Japan and the World Economy』、Editorial Board



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