役 職 | 講師 |
学 位 | Ph.D. in International Relations |
専門分野 | International Relations of Small States, Security of Small States |
現在の研究対象 | Foreign and Security Policies of Small States in the Indo-Pacific Region |
- 略歴
Yasmin Adam is a Lecturer in the Maritime Safety and Security Policy Program (MSP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). From April 2018 to January 2023, she was a Visiting Lecturer at Tokai University. Her main research interests are small states and their foreign and security policies, India-China rivalry in South Asia, China's Belt and Road Initiative in South Asia, and India's quest for predominance in the Indian Ocean region. Yasmin is also interested in the great power rivalry in the Indo-Pacific region and how developing countries are navigating it.
- 主な論文?著作
Yasmin Adam "Security Strategies of Small States, 1992-2016 : Maldives in Comparison with Brunei, Timor-Leste, and Seychelles," doctoral dissertation, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, 2018.
- 主な活動
Lecture, "Free and Open Indo-Pacific and Quadrilateral Security Dialogue: Implications for Small States," September 23, 2022, College of Defense and Security Studies (CDSS), Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF), Male', Maldives.