



2022.05.23(月) 開催

GRIPSフォーラム 『Global Refugee Problems and Japan's Refugee Policy』を開催しました

2022年5月23日(月)にGRIPSフォーラムを開催致しました。今回のGRIPSフォーラムでは、滝澤 三郎氏(東洋英和女学院大学名誉教授、国連UNHCR協会特別顧問)をお招きし、「Global Refugee Problems and Japan's Refugee Policy」という演題でご講演いただきました。


HP_Mr. Saburo Takizawa2 HP_Mr. Saburo Takizawa1




The first part of the lecture will provide an overview of the global refugee problem, its causes (persecution, armed conflicts, and war), and the international response (the Global Refugee Regime). The second part will focus on the refugee problems in Japan, as well as the evolution of the government's refugee policy, with a particular focus on the acceptance of Ukrainian refugees.



講演者: 滝澤 三郎 氏 (東洋英和女学院大学名誉教授/国連UNHCR協会特別顧問

Saburo Takizawa













Born in 1948. After obtaining BA from Saitama University, MA from Tokyo Metropolitan University, and MBA from the University of California (Berkeley), joined the UN in Geneva in 1980. After serving UNRWA and UNIDO, joined UNHCR in 2002 as Chief Finance Officer. Served as UNHCR Representative in Japan from 2007 to 2008. From 2009 to 2016 Professor at Toyo Eiwa University. Has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Japan for UNHCR as well as an advisor to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Has published several books and many articles on refugee issues.







開催日時2022.5.23 16:40~18:10(日本時間)
講演者滝澤 三郎 氏 (東洋英和女学院大学名誉教授/国連UNHCR協会特別顧問)
演 題Global Refugee Problems and Japan's Refugee Policy
会 場オンライン開催 (Zoom Webinar)
言 語英語

〒106-8677 必博娱乐

TEL : 03-6439-6000     FAX : 03-6439-6010