



2021.06.07(月) 開催

GRIPSフォーラム 『Localizing the 2030 SDGs by Accelerating Rural Development』(第2回GRIPS SDGsアワード受賞記念)を開催しました

2021年6月7日(月)にGRIPSフォーラム(第2回GRIPS SDGsアワード受賞記念)を開催致しました。今回のGRIPSフォーラムでは、アンワル?サヌシ氏(現インドネシア労働省事務総長)をお招きし、「Localizing the 2030 SDGs by Accelerating Rural Development」という演題でご講演いただきました。



Dr. Anwar Sanusi_s


The project is one of the major focuses of Indonesian rural (village) development. In the implementation of the program, the Ministry first identified the goals of the 2030 SDGs that should be prioritized in the rural development. Then the Ministry enacted several relevant policies and programs that can accelerate the rural development while in line also contributing to the achievement of the respected goals. The Ministry then come up with 2 programs, Dana Desa (Village Fund), and Padat Karya Tunai Desa (Village Cash for Work).


The Localizing the 2030 SDGs by Accelerating Rural Development Project is also a collaborative project with various Development Partners such as UNDP, IFAD, UNOSSC, UKCC, World Bank, and ASEAN, as well as through bilateral cooperation network by foster rural development that can contribute to achieving of the Rural Development Index (RDI), proposedly in line with the 2030 SDGs.





Having a long experience as a civil servant since 1994, Dr. Anwar Sanusi has held various positions in the Indonesian bureaucracy. From May 2015 until August 2020, he served as Secretary General of the Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Region, and Transmigration, which carries out the task of supporting President Joko Widodo's vision of developing Indonesia from the periphery through strengthening regions and villages. He currently holds the position of Secretary General of Ministry of Manpower the Republic Indonesia.

開催日時2021.6.7 16:40~18:10(日本時間)
演 題Localizing the 2030 SDGs by Accelerating Rural Development
会 場オンライン開催 (Zoom Webinar)
言 語英語

〒106-8677 必博娱乐

TEL : 03-6439-6000     FAX : 03-6439-6010