役 職 | GRIPS Global Governance Program (G-Cube) ディレクター、国家建設と経済発展プログラムディレクター、教授 |
学 位 | 博士(開発経済学)、政策研究大学院大学 |
専門分野 | 開発経済学、応用ミクロ計量経済学 |
現在の研究対象 | 技術普及、マイクロファイナンス、貧困動態 |
- 略歴
2015年9月から2019年3月 上智大学経済学部 准教授(-2017,4)、教授(-2019,3)
2010年8月から2012年8月 コーネル大学応用経済?経営学部 客員研究員
2006年4月から2015年9月 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所 研究員
- 主要な著作?論文等
Takahashi, Kazushi, Yuma Noritomo, Munenobu Ikegami, and Nathaniel D. Jensen. (2020)."Understanding Pastoralists' Dynamic Insurance Uptake Decisions: Evidence from Four-year Panel Data in Ethiopia." Food Policy, 95: MS#101910.?
Noritomo, Yuma, and Kazushi Takahashi. (2020)."Can Insurance Payouts Prevent a Poverty Trap? Evidence from Randomized Experiments in Northern Kenya." Journal of Development Studies, 53(4): pp.530-547.
Takahashi, Kazushi, Rie Muraoka, and Keijiro Otsuka. (2020). "Technology Adoption, Impact, and Extension in Developing Countries' Agriculture: A Review of the Recent Literature." Agricultural Economics, 51(1): pp.31-45.?
Kudo, Yuya, Abu Shonchoy, and Kazushi Takahashi. (2019). "Can Solar Lanterns Improve Youth Academic Performance? Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh." World Bank Economic Review, 33(2): pp.436-460.
Takahashi, Kazushi, Yukichi Mano and Keijiro Otsuka (2019). "Learning from Experts and Peer Farmers about Rice Production: Experimental Evidence from Cote d'Ivoire." World Development, 122: pp.157-169.
Takahashi, Kazushi, Christopher B. Barrett, and Munenobu Ikegami. (2019). "Does Index Insurance Crowd In or Crowd Out Informal Risk Sharing? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(3): pp.672-691.
Arimoto, Yutaka, Hisaki Kono, Tsilavo Ralandison, Takeshi Sakurai, and Kazushi Takahashi (2019). "Price and Non-price Information Frictions in Regional Arbitrage: The Case of Rice Traders in Antananarivo, Madagascar." Economic Development and Cultural Change, 67(2): pp.273-313.?
Takahashi, Kazushi, Abu Shonchoy, Seiro Ito, and Takashi Kurosaki (2017). "How Does Contract Design Affect the Uptake of Microcredit among the Ultra-poor? Experimental Evidence from the River Islands of Northern Bangladesh." Journal of Development Studies, 53(4): pp.530-547.
Otsuka, Keijiro, Yuko Nakano, and Kazushi Takahashi (2016). "Contract Farming in Developed and Developing Countries." Annual Review of Resource Economics, 8: pp.353-376.
Takahashi, Kazushi, Munenobu Ikegami, Megan Sheahan, and Christopher B. Barrett (2016). "Experimental Evidence on the Drivers of Index-Based Livestock Insurance Demand in Southern Ethiopia." World Development, 78: pp.324-340.?
Takahashi, Kazushi and Christopher B. Barrett (2014). "The System of Rice Intensification and its Impacts on Household Income and Child Schooling: Evidence from Rural Indonesia." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96(1):pp.269-289.
Takahashi, Kazushi, Takayuki Higashikata and Kazunari Tsukada (2010). "The Short-Term Poverty Impact of Small-Scale, Collateral-Free Microcredit in Indonesia: A Matching Estimator Approach." Developing Economies, 48(1): pp.128-155.?
Kono, Hisaki and Kazushi Takahashi (2010). "Microfinance Revolution: Its Effects, Innovations, and Challenges." Developing Economies, 48(1): pp.15-73.
Takahashi, Kazushi and Keijiro Otsuka (2009). "The Increasing Importance of Nonfarm Income and the Changing Use of Labor and Capital in Rice Farming: The Case of Central Luzon, 1979-2003." Agricultural Economics, 40(2): pp.231-242.
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