

Position Professor
Degree Ph.D. (International Public Policy)Osaka University
Master’s degree in Public Policy (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University)
Specialty System of Government, Government Reform, Public Policy
Current Research Interests Government Reform, Comparative Government System, Comparative Public Policy, Governance, Crisis Management and Communication Strategy, Formation of International Rules and Standards
  • Professional Career

1988 Joined Prime Minister’s Office and Management & Coordination Agency

1999 First Secretary, Political Section, Embassy of Japan in the United States of America

2002 Senior Planning Officer for Civil Service Reform, Administrative Reform Promotion Office, Cabinet Secretariat

2004 Secretary to the Minister (for Administrative Reform & Regulatory Reform)

2005  Senior Planning Officer for Administrative Reform Promotion, Administrative Reform Promotion Office, Cabinet Secretariat

2007  Counsellor, Cabinet Secretariat (Head of Press Office, Prime Minister's Office)

2009 Director, Government Information Systems Planning Division, Administrative Management Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)

2012 Director, Personnel Policy Division, Personnel and Pension Bureau, MIC

2013  Director, Pension Policy Division, Personnel and Pension Bureau, MIC

2014 Director, Policy Evaluation and Public Relations Division, Minister's Secretariat, MIC

2015  Director for Statistical Planning, Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Standard), MIC

2017 Deputy Director General, Cabinet Office (& Councillor, Cabinet Secretariat) for Decentralisation Reform

2018 Deputy Director-General, Secretariat of Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission, MIC

2020  Director-General, Secretariat of Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Review Board, MIC

2023 Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


  • Selected publications

(English Articles)

“The General Structure of Japanese Bureaucracy and Administrative Jurisdiction under the Current Law”(as Chapter 4 in Handbook of Japanese Bureaucracy (Mieko Nakabayashi, Waseda University, editor; October 2023, MHM Limited))(Publication scheduled for October 2023, co-authored)

“Policy Evaluation in the Government of Japan,” The Public Manager, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Winter 2003-04)


(Japanese Articles)

“On Article 5, Item (iii) of the Information Disclosure Act” In article-by-article explanation on Three Administrative Information Laws (Shigeru Takahashi, Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, editor; October 2023, Koubundou)(Publication scheduled for October 2023, co-authored)

“Trends regarding the Establishment of Administrative Committees” In PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW QUARTERLY No.170 2020 Jun, Tokyo: Institute of Administrative Management.

“Administrative Reform for a Declining Population,” In PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW QUARTERLY No.152 2015 Dec, Tokyo: Institute of Administrative Management.

“Enactment of the Administrative Procedure Act as a Turning Point in Administrative Operation - Ensuring Accountability through the Development of General Law“ In International Public Policy Studies  Vol. 17, No. 2, (March 2013)

“The Implications of Administrative Reform in the 1990s: Why is the Administration's Operation Being Regulated by General Law?” (peer-reviewed paper), In Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association, 2012-II (December 2012)

“Trends in US Federal Government Management (Reform) under the Bush Administration” In PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW QUARTERLY No.97 2002 Mar, Tokyo: Institute of Administrative Management

“U.S. Census 2000 Report" In ESTRELA: Journal of Statistics and Information, No. 76 (July 2000)

“On the Opinion of the Public Service System Research Council" In Local Public Service Monthly, No. 415 (February 1998)


(Translation into Japanese)

”Managing the President’s Message – The White House Commucations Operation”(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006) written by Martha Joynt Kumar, February 2016, Toshindo


  • e-mail:t-yoshimuta

*Please add”@grips.ac.jp” to send a message.



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