Position | Professor |
Degree | Ph.D., (Economics), University of California, Los Angeles |
Specialty | Development Economics, Health Economics and Economics of Education |
Current Research Interests | Impact of Access to Health Infrastructure on Demand for Health Services and Health Outcomes, Impact of Education in Developing Countries, Effects of Rainfall Shocks on Health and Welfare |
- Professional Career
Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, April 2024-present
Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, October 2018-March 2024
Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, October 2010-September 2018
Post-doctoral Fellow, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, January-September 2010
Adjunct Academic, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia & Pacific, Australian National University, 2015–2017
Adjunct Research Fellow, Australian Demographic & Social Research Institute, Australian National University, December 2009–2014
Research Fellow, Economics Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, December 2005-December 2009
Research Assistant, Dept. of Public Policy, UCLA, July 2003-September 2004
Summer Intern, The World Bank, July 2002-September 2002
Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Economics, UCLA, September 2001-March 2002
Research Assistant, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office of Japan, June 1999-July 2000
Summer Intern, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Washington, D.C. Office, May-July 1996
- Selected publications
? Female Education and Brideprice: Evidence from a Primary Education Reform in Uganda,World Bank Economic Review, forthcoming, with Masaru Nagashima.
? Pregnant in haste?: Evidence of reproductive behaviors in Uganda, Review of Economics of the Household, forthcoming, with Masaru Nagashima.
? The impact of access to health facilities on maternal care use and health status: Evidence from longitudinal data from Uganda, (2020) Economic Development and Cultural Change, 69(1) 405-451, October, with Fredrick Manang.
? The Effects of Female Education on Adolescent Pregnancy and Child Health: Evidence from Uganda’s Universal Primary Education for Fully Treated Cohorts (2020) Journal of Development Studies, 56(1), 63-86, with Kazuya Masuda.
? The Effect of Female Education on Adolescent Fertility and Early Marriage: Evidence from Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education in Ghana (2018) Journal of African Economies,27(2), 227-248, with Adu Emmanuel Boahen.
? Children of Migrants: The Cumulative Impact of Parental Migration on Children’s Education and Health Outcomes in China (2017) Demography, 54(5), 1677–1714, with Xin Meng.
? Comment on “The Effect of Parental Absence on Child Development in Rural China” (2017)Asian Economic Policy Review, 12(1), 135-136.
? Missing Public Funds and Targeting Performance: Evidence from an Anti-Poverty Transfer Program in Indonesia (2013) Journal of Development Economics, 103, 62-76, with Daniel Suryadarma.
? Survey of Recent Developments (2012) Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 48(2), 143-171, with Susan Olivia.
? Children’s Health and Parental Workforce Participation (2012) Economic Record, 88(281) 195-213.
? Which Children Benefit from Non-parental Care? (2011) Economics of Education Review, 30, 1468-1590, with Andrew Leigh.
? Child Care Availability, Quality and Affordability: Are Local Problems Related to Labour Supply? (2011) Economic Record, 87(276) 109-124, with Robert Breunig, Andrew Weiss, Xiaodong Gong and Joseph Mercante.
? Community-Based Targeting and Initial Local Conditions: Evidence from Indonesia’s IDT Program (2010) Economic Development and Cultural Change, 59(1) 95-148, October
? Rural-Urban Migration in Indonesia: Study Design and Implementation (2010) in Chris Manning and Xin Meng ed., The Great Migration: Rural-urban migration in China and Indonesia, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, with Budy P. Resosudarmo and Tadjuddin Effendi.
? Parental Investment in Children: Differential Pathways for Parental Education and Mental Health (2010)Economic Record, 86(273) 210-226.
? The Availability of Child Care Centers, Parental Perceived Accessibility and Life Satisfaction (2010)Review of Economics of the Household, 8(2) 231-253.
? Can Investment in Household Enterprises Advance Children’s Schooling Attendance?: Consequences of Poverty Alleviation Program in Indonesia (2006) in The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs ed., Linking Theory and Practice to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor.
? Industry-Specific Productivity and Economic Growth: 1970-98 (2003) with Kyoji Fukao et al., Keizai Bunseki, 170, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office of Japan [in Japanese].
- Research Funds
Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi Gakujutsu Henkaku Ryoiki), 2021-2025
Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi Kiban C), 2019-2024, PI
Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi Shinryoiki), 2013-2017
Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi Kiban A), 2015-2018, PI
Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi Wakate B), 2014-2019 (JPY2,900,000), PI
Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi Wakate B), 2012-2014 (JPY3,000,000), PI
Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Policy Research Center Grant, 2014-2015 (JPY 1,600,000)
Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Policy Research Center Grant, 2011-2012 (JPY 1,850,000)
Nomura Foundation Research Grant, 2011 (JPY200,000)
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia International Science Linkages Program, 2010 (A$7,500)
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences Dean's E-Research and Digital Scholarship Initiative, 2009 (A$22,000)
ANU College of Business and Economics Outreach Funding, 2009 (A$6,000)
U.S. Department of Labor Grant for Research on Advancing the Campaign against Child Labor, 2005-2006 (US$20,000)
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Fellowship, 2004 (US$5,000)
- Other notable activities
Referee and review activities
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Demography, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economics of Education Review, Economic Record, International Migration Review, Japan and the World Economy, Journal of Asian Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Population Economics, Review of Economics of the Household, Women's Studies International Forum, World Development, Australian Agency for International Development (Australian Development Research Awards)
- Link
- e-mail: c-yamauchi
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