Position | Professor |
Degree | Ph.D. (Political Science), Stanford University |
Specialty | Comparative Politics; Japanese Politics, International Political Economy |
Current Research Interests | (1) Changes in Japanese Parliamentary System (2) Leadership of Prime Minister and Political Institutions (3) Democratisation in Pre-war Japan |
- Professional Career
Work Experience
Professor, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, 2010-present.
Associate Professor, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, 1999- 2010.
The Headquarters for the Reorganization of the Government, the Japaense Government, July 1998-August 1999.
Ministry of Finance, the Japanese Government, International Finance Bureau, April 1993-June 1995.
Ph.D., Stanford University, Stanford CA, Political Science, Stanford University, June 1998.
Bachelor of Laws, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Faculty of Law, March 1993.
- CV
- Selected publications
Korona Kiki no Seiji: Abe Seiken vs. Chiji [Politics of Covid 19 Crisis: Abe administration vs Governers] (Tokyo; Chuokoron Shinsha 2020)
Failed Democratizatoin in Prewar Japan: Breakdown of a Hybrid Regime (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014)
Sangiin to ha Nanika[What is House of Councillors](Tokyo: Chuokoron Shinsha 2010) (10th Osaragi Jiro Award)
Shusho Shihai [Politics Dominated by Prime Minister] (Tokyo: Chuokoron Shinsha, 2006)
Senzen Nihon ni okeru Minshuka no Zasetsu [Failed Democratization in Prewar Japan] (Tokyo: Bokutakusha, 2002)
Edited Volumes
Futatsu no Seiken Kotai [Two Changes of Government] (Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 2017)
Tai Oubei Gaiko no Tsuioku [Memories of Euro-America Diplomacy] Tatsuo Arima, edited by Harukata Takenaka (Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2015).
Minshuto wo Mitsume naosu [Revisiting the Democratic Party of Japan] Osamu Fujimura, edited by Harukata Takenaka (Tokyo: Mainichi Shimbunsha, 2014)
Akusesu Kokusai Seijikeizai [Access to International Political Economy]. With Masaru Kohno (Tokyo:Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2003)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
“Suga Seiken, Konran no Naiyo wo yomitoku[Understanding the confused responses of the Suga Administration]” Chuo Koron, March 2021: 96-103.
“A Sudden End for the Administration and an Unclear Post-Abe Future,” Nippon.com August, 2020. https://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/d00615/
“Nihon no Giin Naikakusei no Henyo no Hoko [Direction of Transformation of Japanese Parliamentary System] in Tochi no Dezain [Design of Governance], edited by Keiko Komamura and Satoshi Machidori, Kobundo: Tokyo, 2020.
“Expansion of the Japanese prime minister’s power in the Japanese parliamentary system: Transformation of Japanese politics and the institutional reforms” Asian Survey 59:5 (September/October 2019), 844-865.
“The Task Before a Victorious LDP in the Post Election Landscape,” Nippon.com September 2019. https://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/d00508/the-tasks-before-a-victorious-ldp-in-the-post-election-landscape.html
“Reforms and Results: A Look at Abe’s Staying Power as Prime Minister,” Nippon.com December 2018. http://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/a06201/
“Giin Naikaku sei no Henyo to Sontaku [Transformation of the Parliamentary System and Conjecture], Chuo Koron, June 2018: 40-49.
“Senzen Nihon ni okeru Minshuka Tojo Taisei no Hokai [Collapse of the Semi-Democratic Regime in Prewar Japan]” in Kyoso teki Ken’i Shugi Taiseino Antei sei to Fuantei sei [Stability and Unstability of Competitive Authoritarian Regime] Hikaku Seijigaku Nenpo [Annual Review of Comparative Politics] vol.17 2017: 191-225.
“Abe Seiken wo Tou: Abe Ikyo no Seido Teki Kiban [Questioning the Abe Administration: Institutional Foundation of Abe Dominance], Chuo Koron, November 2017: 98-115.
“Prime Minister Abe’s Drive to Amend the Constitution: Can He Overcome the Hurdles?,” Nippon.com September 2017. http://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/a05603/
“Weighing Vote Disparity in Japan’s Upper House,” Nippon.com July 2015. https://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/a04401/
“The Frequent Turnover of Japanese Prime Ministers: Still a Long Way to a Westminster Model” in Looking for Leadership: The Dilemma of Political Leadership in Japan edited by James Ganon and Ryo Sahashi (Tokyo: Japan Center for International Exchange, 2015), 46-82.
“Kokkai wo ugokashiteiru no ha Dareka? [Who manages the Diet?] Chuo Koron, March 2015: 126-138.
“Minshuto Seiken to Nihon no Naikakusei”[DPJ governments and Japanese Parliamentary System] in Seiken Kotai to Seito Seiji [Changes of Governments and Party Politics] edited by Iio Jun (Tokyo: Chuo Koron Shinsha, 2013).
“Japan in Pursuit of Westminster Democracy,” Nippon.com September, 2013. http://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/a02301/
“Nisen Jyu Nen Sangiin Senkyo go no Seijikatei” [Policy Formulation Process After 2010 House of Councilors Election: Does the House of Councilors Extend Influence to Budget Policy ]” Senkyo Kenkyu [Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies] no.27-2. 2011.
“Minshuto Daihyo to Seisaku no Henyo” [Leaders of DPJ and Policy Changes] in Seiji wo ikiru: Rekishi to Gendai no Toshizu [Living in Politics: Perspectives on History and Contemporary Ear] edited by Iio Jun, Karube Tadashi, and Makihara Izuru (Tokyo: Chuo Koron Shinsha, 2011).
“Sakiokuri no Kenkyu” [Politics of Passing the Buck] in Henbosuru Nihon Seiji [Transformation of Japanese Politics] edited by Mikuriya Takashi (Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 2009).
“Shusho to Sangiin no Dokujisei [Prime Ministers and the House of Councilors in post-war Japanese Politics: Containment of the Second Chamber ]” Senkyo Kenkyu [Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies] no.28. 2008.
“Fukuda’s Rise and the Return to the Old LDP”, Japan Echo vol.34.no.6. 2007
“Abe Takes an Electoral Beating”, Japan Echo vol.34.no.5.2007
“Abe Shusho to Sangiin no Paradox”. Chuo Koron May 2007. (Translated as “The Upper House Election Paradox”, Japan Echo, vol. 34 no. 4 2007.)
“Nihongata Bunkatsu Seifu to Hoan Shingi [Japanese Divideded Government and Bills Adopting Process] Senkyo Gakkai Kiyo [Review of Electoral Studies] no.5. 2005.
“The Politics of Postal Savings Reform in Japan” with Jennifer Amyx and A.Maria Toyoda, Asian Perspective, vol.29, no.1, 2005.
“Chika Baburu he no Taio ha Naze Okuretaka [Why Did the Government Take a Belated Response to the Bubble in the Real Estate Market]” in Muramatsu Michio ed., Sakiokuri no Kenkyu [Study on Delaied Government Responses] (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shimposha, 2005).
“Nihongata Bunkatsu Seifu to Sangiin no Yakuwari [Japanese Divided Government and the role of Japanese Upper House” Nenpo Seijigaku 2004 [Annual Review of Japanese Political Science 2004].
“Baburu Hassei no Seiji Keizaigaku [The Political Economy of the Emergence of Baburu Economy in Japan]” Levaiasan [Leviathan] v. 34. (Spring 2004): 91-118.
“Introducing Junior Ministers and Reforming the Diet” Asian Survey 42:6 (Nov/Dec 2002): 928-939.
- Social contributions
Chair of Editorial and Planning Committee, Multilanguage Web Jounral, Nippon.Com
- Contact
E-mail: takenaka
*Please add”@grips.ac.jp” to send a message.