Position | Professor |
Degree | Ph. D. (Engineering), University of Tokyo |
Specialty | Intellectual Property Policy, Science and Technology Policy |
Current Research Interests | (1) Patent protection for life science: gene patents, research tool patents, stem cell patents, bioethical viewpoints, etc. (2) Social and economic impact of public research. (3) Distribution scheme of intellectual property from academia. (4) Human resources for intellectual property management in academia. |
- Professional Career
1998 Ph.D. (Engineering), University of Tokyo
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Tokyo
1999–2001 Assistant Professor, University of Tokyo
2001–??Assistant Professor, GRIPS
2007–? Associate Professor, GRIPS
2016–? Professor, GRIPS
- Selected publications
(In English)
Hiromi Saito and Koichi Sumikura “An Empirical Analysis on Absorptive Capacity Based on Linkage with Academia,” International Journal of Innovation Management, 14, 491-509 (2010).
Koichi Sumikura “The Issues Surrounding Patent Protection for Human-Embryonic Stem Cells and Therapeutic Cloning in Japan,” Joseph Straus, Peter Ganea and Yu-Cheol Shin (eds.) Patentshutz und Stammzell-forschung, Internationale und rechtsvergleichende Aspekte, 111-121, Springer, (2009).
Koichi Sumikura “Intellectual property rights policy for gene-related inventions – toward optimum balance between public and private ownership,” David Castle (ed.) THE ROLE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION, 73-97, Edward Elgar, (2009).
Itsuki Shimbo, Yoko Ito and Koichi Sumikura “Patent protection and access to genetic resources,” Nature Biotechnology, 26, 645-647 (2008).
Itsuki Shimbo, Andrew Cobden and Koichi Sumikura "The patentability of medicinal inventions related to personalized medicine in Japan," Nature Biotechnology, 23, 1367-1369 (2005).
Itsuki Shimbo, Rie Nakajima, Shigeyuki Yokoyama and Koichi Sumikura “Patent Protection for Protein Structure Analysis,” Nature Biotechnology, 22, 109-112 (2004).
(In Japanese)
Koichi Sumikura, “The Issues Surrounding Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing of Them,” JOURNAL OF JAPANESE SCIENTISTS, 45, 552-557 (2010).
Koichi Sumikura, “What is Occurring Now in Universities? –Function of Patent and Industry-Academia Cooperation,” KAGAKU, 78, 1006-1012 (2008).
Koichi Sumikura, “Prospects for Licensing Database in Life Science –Based on CSTP Guideline,” CHIZAI PRISM, 6(63), 9-18 (2007).
Koichi Sumikura, “Current Situation and Issues on Material transfer Agreement (MTA),” CHIZAI PRISM, 6(61), 104-110 (2007).
Koichi Sumikura, “Utilization of Patent Pool in Advanced Science and Technology,” BIO INDUSTRY, 20(2)42-52 & 20(3)55-62 (2003).
Koichi Sumikura, “ ‘Conical’ Talent Able to Identify Intellectual Property that Will Reshape Japan’s Future –How Should Universities Approach Intellectual Property?” ILLUME, 30, 4-21 (2003).
Koichi Sumikura, “Training of Technology Licensing Specialists: From Survey of Academic Backgrounds in TLOs of US Universities,” The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, 18, 14-21 (2003).
(Books in Japanese)
Sumikura, K. & Takeda, H. (eds.) (2011), Patent Strategy on Stem Cells, JIII.
Sumikura, K. (eds.) (2008), Intellectual Property Policy and Management, Hakuto-shobo.
Sumikura, K. (eds.) (2007), 88 Viewpoints on Intellectual Property, Zeimu Keiri Kyokai.
Okazaki, Y. & Sumikura, K. (eds.) (2007), How to write your Laboratory Notebook, Yodosha.
Nagata, A. & Sumikura, K. (eds.) (2005), Intellectual Property and Management of Technology, Maruzen.
Sumikura, K. (2003), Lecture on Biotech Patenting for Bio-scientists, Yodosha.
Watanabe, T. & Sumikura, K. (2002), TLO and Licensing Associates, BKC.
Aita, Y., Hirashima, R. & Sumikura, K. (2001), Intellectual Property Rights and Advanced Science and Technology, JIII.
TEPIA Intellectual Property Academic Promotion Award, 2008.
Microsoft Intellectual Property Research Award, 2004.
Nikkei BP’s BizTech Publication Award, 2002.
- Social contributions
Member, Subcomittee of "Research Infrastructure," Committee of Life Science, MEXT (2001).
Member, Committee of "Management of Research Results," MEXT (2001-2002).
Member, Working Group on Intellectual Property, MEXT (2002).
Team Leader, Development of Training Methods for Bio-IP Specialists, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (2003).
Member, Working Group and Project Team under Expert Panel on Management of Intellectual Properties, Council for Science and Technology Policy (2005-2006).
Visiting Researcher, Research Bureau of the House of representatives (2006-present).
Technical Advisor in Intellectual Property Lawsuits (2008-present).
Adjunct Associate Member, Science Council of Japan (2009-2010).
- Other notable activities
Board Member, The Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Management (2000-present).
Board Member, Intellectual Property Association of Japan (2002-present).
Secretariat, Professional Committee of Law and Technology, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (2008-present).
Founder and Chairperson, Society for Management of Intellectual Properties (Smips) (2000-present).
- researchmap
- e-mail: sumikura
*Please add”@grips.ac.jp” to send a message.