
SONOBE, Tetsushi

Position Lecturer
Degree Ph.D. in Economics, Yale University
Specialty Development Economics
Current Research Interests Industrial development, poverty reduction, and corruption alleviation in developing countries
  • Professional Career
1992 Assistant professor of economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
1993 Associate professor of economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
2001 Professor of economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
2003 Deputy director, Joint Graduate Program, Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development
? Professor at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2011 Director, Joint Graduate Program
2012 Advisor to the president and professor of economics at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2014 Vice Presidents at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


  • Selected publications

Cluster-Based Industrial Development: An East Asian Model (with Keijiro Otsuka), Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Cluster-Based Industrial Development: A Comparative Study of Asia and Africa (with Keijiro Otsuka), Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
"Process of Cluster Formation in China: A Case Study of a Garment Town" (with Dinghuan Hu and K. Otsuka), Journal of Development Studies 39 (1), 118-139, October 2002.
"Human Capital, Cluster Formation, and International Relocation: The Case of the Garment Industry in Japan, 1968-98" (with Eiji Yamamura and K. Otsuka), Journal of Economic Geography 3 (1), 37-56, January 2003.
"Changing Roles of Innovation and Imitation in Industrial Development: The Case of the Machine Tool Industry in Taiwan" (with Momoko Kawakami and K. Otsuka), Economic Development and Cultural Change 52 (1), 103-128, October 2003.
"From Inferior to Superior Products: An Inquiry into the Wenzhou Model of Industrial Development in China" (with D. Hu and K. Otsuka), Journal of Comparative Economic 32 (3), 542-563, September 2004.
"Time Paths in Innovation, Imitation, and Growth: The Case of the Motorcycle Industry in Postwar Japan" (with E. Yamamura and K. Otsuka), Journal of Evolutionary Economics 15 (2), 164-186, April 2005.
"Industrial Development in the Inland Region of China: A Case Study of the Motorcycle Industry" (with D. Hu and K. Otsuka), Journal of Comparative Economics 34 (4), 818-838, December 2006.
"Beyond the Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Comparative Study of SO2 and CO2 Emissions between Japan and China" (Y. Yaguchi and K. Otsuka), Environment and Development Economics 12 (3), 445-470, June 2007.
"An Exploration into the Successful Development of the Leather-Shoe Industry in Ethiopia" (with J. Akoten and K. Otsuka), Review of Development Economics 13 (4), 719-736, November 2009.
"An Inquiry into the Transformation Process of Village-based Industrial Clusters: The Case of an Iron and Steel Cluster in Northern Vietnam" (with V. H. Nam and K. Otsuka), Journal of Comparative Economics 37 (4), 568-581, December 2009.
"An Inquiry into the Development Process of Village Industry: The Case of a Knitwear Cluster in Northern Vietnam" (with V. H. Nam and K. Otsuka), Journal of Development Studies 46 (2), February 2010.
"Efficiency of Land Allocation through Tenancy Markets: Evidence from China" (with Shingo Kimura, K.Otsuka, and Scott Rozelle), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 39(3), 485-510, April 2011.
"Growth Process of Informal Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of a Jua Kali Cluster in Nairobi" (with John Akoten and K. Otsuka), Small Business Economics, 36 (3), 323-335, April 2011.
"An Inquiry into the Rapid Growth of the Garment Industry in Bangladesh" (with K.A. Mottaleb), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 60 (1), 67-89, October 2011.
"Virtual Incubation in Industrial Clusters: A Case Study in Pakistan" (with Babur Wasim Arif), Journal of Development Studies, 48 (3), 377-92, March 2012.
"How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa Become More productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training" (with Y. Mano, A. Iddrisu, and Y. Yoshino) World Development, 40 (3), 458-468, March 2012.


  • Social contributions

2008 – present, an associate member of the Science Council of Japan.


  • E-mail: sonobete

*Please add”@grips.ac.jp” to send a message.


Sonobe Tetsushi's CV

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TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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