

SHINTANI_ Kazuaki.jpg
Position Professor (joint-appointment)
Degree Master of Laws, Hiroshima University
Specialty Criminal Law
Current Research Interests International Criminal Law
  • Professional Career
Kazuaki Shintani is a Professor at Japan Coast Guard Academy (JCGA), Hiroshima, JAPAN. Before joining JCGA, he worked at Waseda University and Max-Planck-Institute for International and Foreign Criminal Law. In GRIPS, he teaches graduate courses on International Comparative Criminal Law. His recent works are in the Researchmap.

  • Selected publications

Defining criminal conduct : concept and systematization of the criminal offense, objective aspects of the offence, subjective aspects of the offense : Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, India, Iran, Japan, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Uruguay, USA
Sieber, Ulrich, Forster, Susanne, Jarvers, Konstanze Duncker & Humblot,Max-Planck-Institut für ausl?ndisches und internationales Strafrecht 2011(ISBN: 9783861138334)

General limitations on the application of criminal law : principle of legality, extraterritorial jurisdiction
Sieber, Ulrich, Forster, Susanne, Jarvers, Konstanze, Silverman, Emily Duncker & Humblot,Max-Planck-Institut für ausl?ndisches und internationales Strafrecht 2011 (ISBN: 9783861138341)

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