

Position Adjunct Professor; Professor Emeritus
Degree Bachelor (Liberal Arts), University of Tokyo
Doctor (Commerce), Waseda University
Specialty Social Security Policy
Current Research Interests Health Care Policy
  • Professional Career

1993 Associate Professor of Chiba University
1995 Director of Child Allowance, Ministry of Health and Welfare
2001 Director of Heath Insurance, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
2003 Deputy Director-General, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

2007 Professor of GRIPS


  • Selected publications

Health Care in Japan: Institutions and Policies, in Japanese, University of Tokyo Press, 2011

Prospects of Home Visit Care, in Japanese, Chyuouhouki, 2008. (with A. Sato et al.)

“The Development of Health Insurance System for the Elderly and Associated Problem Areas”,
Papers on the Local Governance System and its Implementation in Selected Fields in Japan No.13, COSLOG, GRIPS, 2009, pp.1-32.

“History and Development of Heath Insurance in Japan”, in Japanese, Endo,H and Ikegami,N (ed) Health Insurance and Reimbursement System, Keiso-syobou,2005,pp.1-53.

“Issues on Financial System Reform viewed from Corporate Pension”, in Japanese, Jurist Supplement 2000-11 ( New Financial System and Law), Yuhikaku,2000, pp.81-87.

“Internal Migration and Social Security”, in Japanese, Chiba University Law Journal, Vo.9,No.3,1995,pp. 75-127.


  • Other notable activities

Member of Team Health Care Committee, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare


  • e-mail: shimazaki-kenji

*Please add”@grips.ac.jp” to send a message.

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