Position | Adjunct Professor; Professor Emeritus |
Degree | Ph.D. (Engineering), Cornell University |
Specialty | Operations Research |
Current Research Interests | (1)Mathematical model analyses for optimal investment planning in electric power industries; (2)Electric tariff theory and mathematical modelling approach for marginal cost pricing; (3)Mathematical programming model analyses for energy and environmental problems; (4)Spatial interaction model analyses for inter-regional commodity flow phenomena; (5)Optimal public facility location problems and mathematical modelling approaches; (6)Apportionment problem and political districting problem; (7)City traffic management policy analyses; (8)Mathematical modelling approaches for policy evaluation and efficiency analyses in public sectors. |
- Professional Career
1969- Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering, University of Tokyo
1971- Master of Science, College of Engineering, University of Tokyo
1971- Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Economic Research Institute
1977- Ph.D., School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (ORIE), College of Engineering, Cornell University
1980- Assistant Professor, Saitama University, Department of Arts and Science
1981- Associate Professor, Saitama University, Department of Arts and Science
1988- Professor, Graduate School of Policy Science, Saitama University
1997- Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2000- Dean, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2003- Vice President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2009- Member of the Board of Trustees, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2011- Senior Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2016- Adjunct Professor and Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
- Selected publications
"Mathematics of Election, Votes and Public Choices, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Series Vol.7", Kyoritsu Publishing, 2022, T. Oyama (ed.)
?"Statistical data analysis on evaluating the countermeasures for preventing serious train accidents in Japan", Journal of Civil Engineering Society D, Vol.66, No.2, pp.89-105. 2010 (with M. Miwa)
"Evaluating the Emission Reduction Targets in UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol by Applying Primary Energy Data Analyses", Journal of Asian Public Policy, Vol.2, No.1, pp.36-56, 2009 (with Dinesh C. SRIVASTAVA)
"Applying path-counting methods for measuring the robustness of the network-structured system", International Transactions in Operational Research, IFORS, Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp.371-389, 2009 (with K. Kobayashi, H. Morohosi)
"Investigating train accidents and natural disasters data in Japan for establishing safety", Operations Research, Vol.53, No.10, pp.11-17, 2008 (with M. Miwa)
"Statistical data analysis for investigating Japanese government subsidy policy for private universities", Journal of Higher Education, Vol.55, No.4, pp.407-424?CSpringer, 2008 (with S. Anwar)
"OR Activities in Japan: Education, Research, and Applications", OR/MS Today, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, 2007 (with Fithriyah, H. Ashida and H. Morohosi)
"Mathematical Modeling Analyses for Obtaining an Optimal Railway Track Maintenance Schedule", Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.23 No.2, pp.207-224, 2006 (with M. Miwa)
"Theory and Practice for Public Policy Evaluation, Gendai Tosho Publishing Co., 2006, T. Oyama (ed.)
"Statistical data analyses to elucidate the causes and improve the countermeasures for preventing train accidents in Japan", International Transactions in Operational Research, IFORS, Vol.13, No.3, pp.229-251, 2006 (with M. Miwa and Brian Gozun)
- Other notable activities
1. The Operations Research Society of Japan
Vice President (2006.4.1-2008.3.31), Fellow (2004-) and others, President (2016.4.27-2018.4.27)
2. The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Chief, Research Activity Group of Mathematical Politics (2008-),Member of Editorial Board of JSIAM Letters (2009.4.1-2011.3.31, 2011.4.1-2013.3.31, 2013.4.1-2015.3.31), Director(2015.4.1-2017.5.30)
3. MPS (Mathematical Programming Society)
4. INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
Member (1995-)
5. APORS(Asia-Pacific Operational Research Society)
Vice President (2006-), Secretary (1997-2005)
6. IFORS (International Federation of Operational Research Society)
Vice President (2006-2009)
- e-mail: oyamat
