
OKAMOTO, Ryosuke

Position Associate Professor
Degree Ph.D. (Economics), Osaka University
Specialty Urban Economics
Current Research Interests Agglomeration Economies, Location Choice, Transport Network
  • Professional Career

Ph.D. (Economics), Osaka University, 1999
Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), 2000.


  • Selected publications

“The system of towns with spatial public goods”, Regional Science and Urban Economics 30, pp. 627-638, 2000.

“Location choices of firms and workers in an urban model with heterogeneities in skills and preferences” Regional Science and Urban Economics 37, pp.670-687, 2007.

“The optimal provision of local public goods in a metropolitan area” Journal of Regional Science 49, pp.349-359, 2009.


  • E-mail: rokamoto

*Please add”@grips.ac.jp” to send a message.

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FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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