Position | Adjunct Professor; Professor Emeritus |
Degree | Doctor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo |
Specialty | National Development Planning & Policies, Transportation Planning & Policies |
Current Research Interests | Transportation Planning & Policies, Regional Planning & Policies |
- Professional Career
1966-1967 | Japan National Railway |
1967-1975 | Research Assistant, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
1975-1987 | Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
1987-1996 | Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
1996-2004 | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
2002- | Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
2004-2009 | Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) |
2004-2011 | President, Institute for Transport Policy Studies (ITPS) |
2004- | Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo |
2009-2014 | Senior Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies(GRIPS) |
2009- | President, International Urban Studies Institute(GRIPS) |
2011-2020 | Director, Policy Research Center(GRIPS) |
2009-2011 | Advisor; LTA, Singapore |
2011- | Honorary Fellow; LTA Academy, Singapore |
2012 - 2015 | Honorary Professor; Beijing Transportation Research Center |
2019- | Professor Emeritus(GRIPS) |
Mar.1980 - Feb.1981 | Research Fellow; Transportation System Division, Dept. of Civil Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Apr.1986 - Mar.1987 | Part-time Lecturer; Dept. of Civil Eng., Chuo University |
Apr.1989 - Mar.1990 | Head of Department; Dept. of Civil Eng., Graduate school, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Apr.1990 - Mar.1991 | Head of Department; Dept. of Civil Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Oct.1991 - Mar.1992 | Part-time Lecturer; Dept. of Commercial Science, Keio University |
Aug.1992 - Aug.1993 | Visiting Professor; University of the PHILIPPINES |
Oct.1993 - Mar.1996 | Head of Research Center for Urban Infrastructure, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Apr.2004 – Mar.2009 | Part-time Lecturer; Dept. of Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nihon University |
Apr.2004 - | Board member; Research and Education Board, GRIPS |
Apr.2004 –Mar.2014 | Program Director; Development Policy Program, GRIPS |
Oct.2005 - Mar.2011 | Program Director; Disaster Management Policy Program, GRIPS |
- Selected publications
KISS-Rail, Keys to Implement Successfully Sustainable Urban Railway, JARTS, 2005 (Editor and Co-author, in English)
Future of Country, Nikkei, 2005 (Editor and Co-author, in Japanese)
Future of Airports in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, ITPS, 2010 (Editor and Co-author, in English)
Benefit of Road Investment –Theory and Practice-, Tokyo-Keizai-Shinpousha, 2008 (Co-Editor and Co-author, in English)
- Social contributions
Vice Chairman; Council on National Development, 2005-2010, Japan
Vice Chairman; Council on Infrastructure, 2005-2010, Japan
Member; Council on Transportation Policy, 2005-2010, Japan
Chairman on; Railway Policy Committee
; Regional Transportation Policy Committee
; Research and Development committee
Chairman; Council on Transportation Policy in Kanto Region
Chairman; Council on Urban Planning in Yokohama City
- Other notable activities
President; Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, 2000-2002
President; Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2004-2005
President; Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 2003-2007
- E-mail: smorichi.pl
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