Position | Professor (joint-appointment) |
Degree | Ph.D. Engineering, The University of Tokyo |
Specialty | Hydrology |
Current Research Interests |
Hydro-meteorological Variability and its Impacts on Water Resources Remote Sensing and Satellite Hydrology Hydrological Processes in the Monsoon Asia and their Predictability |
- Professional Career
1985 – 1986 Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1986 – 1987 Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1988 – 1999 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology
1999 – 1999 Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology
1999 – 2017 Professor, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2006 – 2010 Professor, Director General, The Earth Observation Data Integration & Fusion Research Initiative
2014 - Executive Director, International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Public Works Research Institute
2017 - Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
- Selected publications
1) Koike, T., Takahasi, Y., Yosino, S.:Estimation of basin-wide snow water equivalent using snow-covered area, IAHS Pbul. No. 155, pp. 193-201, 1986.
2) Koike, T., Takahasi, Y., Yosino, S.: Modelling of snmvmelt distribution for the estimation of basin-wide snow covered area, IAHS Pbul. No. 166, pp. 199-212, 1987.
3) Koike, T., Goto, I., Hayakawa, N., Wakatsuki, K. : New method to study snowfal I using remote sensing, Annals of Glaciology, 18, pp. 317-321, 1993.
4) Koike, T., Seko, K., Chen, X., Tadono, T., Tamagawa, K., Igarashi, H., Takizawa, H. : Monitoring ground surface condition on Tibetan Plateau by using satellite remote sensing, Bulletin of Glacier Research, 12, pp. 95-104, 1994.
5) Koike,T., Fujii, H., Ohta, T., Togashi, E., 2001: Development and validation of TMI algorithms for soil moisture and snow, Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000, IAHS Publ. 267, 390-393
6) Yang, K., T. Koike, H. Fujii, K. Tamagawa, N. Hirose (2002) Improvement of Surface Flux Parameterizations with a Turbulence-Related Length, Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 128, Part B, No. 584, 2073-2088.
7) T. Koike: The Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period - an initial step for integrated global water cycle observation, W1f0 Bulletin, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 115-121, 2004.
8) Yang, K., T. Koike: A general model to estimate hourly and daily solar radiation for hydrological studies, Water Resources Research, 41, Wl0403, (2005)
9) D. N. Kuria, T. Koike, H. Lu, H. Tsutsui, T. Graf: Field-Supported Verification and Improvement of a Passive Microwave Surface Emission Model for Rough, Bare, and Wet Soil Surf aces by incorporating Shadowing Effects, IEEE Transact ions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, No. 5, 1207-1216, (2007)
10) Taniguchi, K., and T. Koike (2008), Seasonal variation of cloud activity and atmospheric profiles over the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 113, D10104, doi: 10. 1029/2007 JD0093 21, 2008.
11) T. Koike, H. Hayashi, K. Satake, K. Tsukahara, A. Kwasaki, Y. Amano, K. Takara, S. Saya, N. Nishiguchi, S. Nishikawa, K. Tamura, K. Hiroki, R. Shaw and T. Ikeda: Role Played by Science and Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction: From Framework Planning to Implementation, JDR?Vol.13 No.7?pp. 1222-1232, 2018
12) A. Moiz, A. Kawasaki, T. Koike, M. shrestha: A systematic decision support tool for robust hydropower site selection in poorly gauged basins, Applied Energy, pp. 309-321, Vol. 224, 15 Aug. 2018
13) R. Seto, K. Aida, T. Koike, S. Kanae: Radiative Characteristics at 89 and 36 GHz for Satellite-Based Cloud Water Estimation Over Land, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 59, Issue: 2, pp. 1355 – 1368, Feb. 2021
- Social contributions
2019-present, Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
2019-2021, Council Member, Council for Science and Technology of Japan
2017-2023, Council Member, Science Council of Japan, Cabinet Office of Japan
2015-2020: Chair, Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction and International
Coordination, Science Council of Japan
2015-present: Chair, River Council of Japan
2014-present, Advisor, High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP)
2017-2021: Chair of the GEO National Committee of Japan
2014-2015: Co-Chair of GEO Implementation Plan Working Group (IPWG)
2012-2017: Chair of the National Committee of International Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), Science Council of Japan
2012- 2017: Co-chair of the WCRP Data Advisory Council
2011-2015: Chair of the GEO National Committee of Japan
2010-2013 Chair of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum Steering Committee on Water and Climate
- Awards
-Incentive Award of Japan Society of Civil Engineering, 1985
-"Horiuchi" Prize from Meteorological Society of Japan, 2000
-Best Paper Award of Japan Society of Civil Engineering, 2001
-NASA Group Achievement Award, 2003
-Award for Contribution to the IPCC Novel Peace Prize from WMO and UNEP, 2008
-"Einstein Lecturer" Award in 2009 from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2009
-International Contribution Award, Japan Water Prize, 2010
-The Science Award by the Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, 2015
-Award for International Scientific Cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2019
-Chinese government Friendship Award, 2019
-Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations (AOGEO) Fellow Award, 2019
-Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Individual Excellence Award, 2020
-American Geophysical Union(AGU)Ambassador Award,2022
- Link