

Position Professor, GRIPS Alliance
Degree Ph.D. in Economics, Osaka University
Specialty Economics (Economic Model Analysis)
Current Research Interests International Economic Policy
  • Professional Career

Joined former Economic Planning Agency (current Cabinet Office) in 1983. After working at Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), as Senior Research Fellow at Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Director for Economic Outlook, Cabinet Office and others, Senior Fellow at GRIPS Alliance, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in 2013 and professor at GRIPS Alliance, GRIPS in 2018.


  • Selected publications

?Kawasaki, K., “Review of Economic Impact of CPTPP,” GRIPS Discussion Paper 23-10, GRIPS, October 2023.

?Kawasaki, K., “Development of CO2 Emissions and Impact of Carbon Pricing,” GRIPS Discussion Paper 22-13, GRIPS, March 2023.

?Kawasaki, K., A. Sunami, Y. Ikeda and M. C. Huang, “Japan: Leveraging National Regulatory Reform and the Economic Modeling of Trade Agreements,” Chapter 20 in “Megaregulation Contested: Global Economic Ordering After TPP,” B. Kingsbury, D. M. Malone, P. Mertensk?tter, R. B. Stewart, T. Streinz, and A. Sunami eds., Oxford University Press, June 2019.

?Kawasaki, K., B. G. Narayanan, H. Guimbard, A. Kuno, “Analysis of the Role of Tariff Concessions in East Asia,” Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research 13(2), 141-167, SAGE Publications, May 2019.

?Kawasaki, K., “Economic Impact of Tariff Hikes -A CGE model analysis-,” GRIPS Discussion Paper 18-05, GRIPS, June 2018.

?Kawasaki, K., “Emergent Uncertainty in Regional Integration -Economic impacts of alternative RTA scenarios-,” GRIPS Discussion Paper 16-28, GRIPS, January 2017.

?Kawasaki, K., “The Relative Significance of EPAs in Asia-Pacific,” Journal of Asian Economics 39, 19-30, August 2015.


  • Awards

GTAP Research Fellow Hall of Fame, 2020.


7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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