Position | Professor |
Degree | MPHIL, Development Studies (IDS, University of Sussex), DPHIL (SPRU, University of Sussex), Post Graduate Diploma, Environmental Management (Imperial College, University of London) |
Specialty | Science, Technology Innovation Policy in Developing and Emerging Countries |
Current Research Interests | Inclusive innovation, Science Technology and Innovation Policy for SDGs, Role of innovations in natural resource-based activities, Role of emerging technologies in developing countries. |
- Professional Career
Michiko Iizuka specializes in the policy studies on development, innovation in the area of sustainability, natural resources and agriculture in developing and emerging countries.
She is a professor at the National Graduate Research Institute on Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, Japan from April, 2018. She also holds positions as affiliated fellow at United Nations University Maastricht Economic and social Research and training center for Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) and associated fellow at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at University of Sussex.
Prior to joining GRIPS, she was a research fellow at United Nations University Maastricht Economic and social Research and training center for Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT: 2008-2018), as an environmental officer at United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (UNECLAC: 1997-2000) and a researcher at the International Development Center of Japan (IDCJ: 1993-1996, 2000-2002).
She holds a DPhil in Science and Technology Policy from Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, an MPhil in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at University of Sussex and a Post Graduate Diploma on Environment Management from the Imperial College, University of London.
- Selected publications
Journal articles with referee (most recent ones only)
Carlo Pietrobelli, Beatriz Calzada Olvera, Michiko Iizuka, Caio Torres Mazzi (2023), Suppliers’ entry, upgrading, and innovation in mining GVCs: lessons from Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, Industrial and Corporate Change.
Beatriz Calzada Olvera, Michiko Iizuka (2023), The mining sector: profit-seeking strategies, innovation patterns, and commodity prices, Industrial and Corporate Change.
Michiko Iizuka,Yoko Ikeda (2021), Regulation and innovation under the 4th industrial revolution: The case of a healthcare robot, HAL by Cyberdyne, Technovation, Elsevier, 108.
Keijser, C. & M. Iizuka (2018), Looking beyond Global Value Chains in Capacity Development: The Case of the IT- enabled Service (ITES) Sector in South Africa, The European Journal of Development Research, 30(3), 442–461.
Iizuka Michiko & Mulu Gebreeyesus (2018), ‘Discovery’ of non-traditional agricultural exports in Latin America: Diverging pathways through learning and innovation, Innovation and Development. 8(1): 59-78. |
Edited Books in English
Hosono, A., Iizuka, M., Katz, J (2016), Chile’s Salmon Industry: Policy Challenges in Managing Public Goods, Springer publishing.
Chapter contributions in English
Iizuka, Michiko, Carlo Pietrobelli & Fernando Vargas (2022), ?Innovation in Mining Global Value Chains: Implications for Emerging Economies, in A.Daly, D. Humphreys, J. Raffo and G. Valacchi (Eds), Global Challenges For Innovation In Mining Industries, Cambridge University Press, 2022, pages:88-116.
Other types of publications (contribution to external reports)
Iizuka M and Sakimoto, K (2023), “Japan” in Glennie, A. and Klinger-Vidra, R (eds). Inclusive Innovation Policies for Economic Growth, Tokyo, Asian Productivity Organization: 23-37
Iizuka, M. Suzuki, I. & Ito, C (2020), Democratizing the adoption and use of advanced digital production technologies, Background paper for Industrial Development Report BP8, UNIDO, Vienna.