
IEDA, Hitoshi

Position Senior Professor
Degree Dr. Engineering
Specialty Regional, Transport and Infrastructure Planning / Policy
Current Research Interests International Comparaison of Regional and Infrastructure Policies
Mega-scale Natural Disaster Policies
  •  Professional Career

1978 graduated the University of Tokyo (Dept. of Civil Eng.) and employed by Japan National Railway


1984 Research Associate, 1986 Associate Professor of the University of Tokyo


1995 Professor of the University of Tokyo (TRIP: Transport and Infrastructure Planning Lab)


2014 Professor of GRIPS as well as the University of Tokyo


2016 Professor of GRIPS


Visiting Researcher in German Aerospace Research Institute (1988-1989), Visiting Professor in the University of the Philippines (1993-1994) , Tsinghua University (2008) and Peking University (2016)


  • Selected publications

*English written books: “Vulnerability and Toughness in Urban Systems”, “Sustainable Urban Transport in an Asian Context”, “KISS-Rail: Keys to Implement Successfully Sustainable Urban Railways” etc.


*Academic or practical refereed papers and other explanatory papers, around 800 in total, are published in journals or proceedings of related academic societies such as Japan Society of Civil Engineers, East Asia Society of Transport Studies, etc.


  • Social contributions

Participating societies: Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japan Urban Planning Society, East Asia Society of Transport Studies, etc.


Involved in various official committees or councils of governments or public organizations specially regarding regional and infrastructure development or transport policy


  • Web-site

The following is the HP of TRIP Lab (University of Tokyo) which he is simultaneously involved.



7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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