
HOSOE, Nobuhiro

Position Vice President; Dean; Chair of Masters' Programs Committee; Chair of Doctoral Programs Committee; Director of Public Policy Program (Master's); Director of Public Policy Program (Ph.D.), Professor
Degree Ph.D. (Economics), Osaka University
Specialty Computational Economics, Economic Simulation Analysis
Current Research Interests Policy Simulation Analysis of Food Security and Agricultural Trade Liberalization, Empirical Analysis of Regulatory Reforms in the Power Utility
  • Professional Career

1995 Projects Assistant, the World Bank.
1997-1999 Research Fellow, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
1999-2018 Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS).
1999-2001 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Policy Science, Saitama University.
2018- Professor, GRIPS.
2021- Vice President, Dean, GRIPS.

  • Selected Publications

Hosoe, N., Gasawa, K., Hashimoto, H. (2021)?Hesaplanabilir Genel Denge Modellemesi: GAMS? Uygulamas? ve Simülasyonlar?[Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling: Programming and Simulations], trans. Tar?, R., Pehlivano?lu, F., ?nce, M. R., Ekin Publish. (in Turkish)

Hosoe, N. (2021) "Impact of Tighter Controls on Japanese Chemical Exports to Korea,"?Economic Modelling?94: 631-648.

Hosoe, N., Akune, Y. (2020) "Can the Japanese Agri-food Producers Survive under Freer Trade?: A General Equilibrium Analysis with Farm Heterogeneity and Product Differentiation,"?Japan and the World Economy?58, 101028.

Ogawa, Y., Hosoe, N. (2020) "Optimal Indirect Tax Design for a Developing Country,"?International Tax and Public Finance?27: 1081-1107.

Hossain, S. M., Hosoe, N. (2020) "Welfare and Equity Impacts of Cross-Border Factor Mobility in Bangladesh: A General Equilibrium Analysis,"?Economic Modelling?87: 172-184.

Hosoe, N. (2018) "Impact of Border Barriers, Returning Migrants, and Trade Diversion in Brexit: Firm Exit and Loss of Variety,"?Economic Modelling?69: 193-204.

Huang, M. C., Hosoe, N. (2017) "Investigating Fiscal and Social Costs of Recovery Policy: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of an Earthquake Disaster in Northern Taiwan,"?Journal of Asian Economics?53: 1-17.

Hosoe, N. (2016) "The Double Dividend of Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Consistency between National Food Security and Gains from Trade,"?Journal of Asian Economics?43: 27-36.

Latorre, M. C., Hosoe, N. (2016) "The Role of Japanese FDI in China,"?Journal of Policy Modeling?38(2): 226-241.

Huang, M. C., Hosoe, N. (2016) "Computable General Equilibrium Assessment of a Compound Disaster in Northern Taiwan,"?Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies?28(2): 89-106.

Hosoe, N., Gasawa, K., Hashimoto, H. (2016)?Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling: Programming and Simulations 2nd Edition, University of Tokyo Press. (in Japanese)?

Hosoe, N. (2015) "Nuclear Power Plant Shutdown and Alternative Power Plant Installation Scenarios: A Nine-Region Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of the Electric Power Market in Japan,"?Energy Policy?86: 416-432.

Hosoe, N., Gasawa, K., Hashimoto, H. (2014) Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling: Programming and Simulations, trans. Zhao, W., Xiang, G., Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Press. (in Chinese)

Hosoe, N. (2014) "Estimation Errors in Input-Output Tables and Prediction Errors in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis,"?Economic Modelling?42: 277-286.

Hosoe, N. (2014) "Japanese Manufacturing Facing Post-Fukushima Power Crisis: a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis with Foreign Direct Investment,"?Applied Economics?46(17): 2010-2020.

Tanaka, T., Hosoe, N., Qiu, H. (2012)?Risk Assessment of Food Supply: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach,?Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hosoe, N., Tanaka, M. (2012) "Divestiture of TEPCO for Reparation for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident-A Path to Vertical Unbundling,"?Energy Policy?51: 207-212.

Hosoe, N., Takagi, S. (2012) "Retail Power Market Competition with Endogenous Entry Decision-An Auction Data Analysis,"?Journal of the Japanese and International Economies?26(3): 351-368.

Akiyama, S., Hosoe, N. (2011) "A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of Japan's Electric Power Network,"?Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies?23(2-3): 114-136.

Tanaka, T., Hosoe, N. (2011) "Does Agricultural Trade Liberalization Increase Risks of Supply-side Uncertainty?: Effects of Productivity Shocks and Export Restrictions on Welfare and Food Supply in Japan,"?Food Policy?36(3): 368-377.

Hosoe, N., Gasawa, K., Hashimoto, H. (2010)?Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling: Programming and Simulations,?Palgrave Macmillan.

Hosoe, N., Akiyama, S. (2009) "Regional Electric Power Demand Elasticities of Japan's Industrial and Commercial Sectors,"?Energy Policy?37(11): 4313-4319.

Hosoe, N. (2006) "The Deregulation of Japan's Electricity Industry,"?Japan and the World Economy?18(2): 230-246.

Hosoe, N., Gasawa, K., Hashimoto, H. (2010)?Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling: Programming and Simulations, University of Tokyo PrePalgrave Macmillan.

Hosoe, N., Gasawa, K., Hashimoto, H. (2004) Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling: Programming and Simulations, University of Tokyo Press. (in Japanese)

Hosoe, N. (2004) "Crop Failure, Price Regulation, and Emergency Imports of Japan's Rice Sector in 1993,"?Applied Economics?36 (10): 1051-1056.

Hosoe, N. (2001) "A General Equilibrium Analysis of Jordan's Trade Liberalization,"?Journal of Policy Modeling?23 (6): 595-600.

Hosoe, N. (2000) "Dependency of Simulation Results on the Choice of Numeraire,"?Applied Economics Letters?7 (7): 475-477.

Hosoe, N. (1999)?Opening up the Black Box: Scrutinization of the Internal Structure of Computable General Equilibrium Models, A Ph. D. Dissertation, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University.

  • Links
  • E-mail: nhosoe

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