Position | Director, Disaster Management Program; Director, Infrastructure Policy Concentration; Professor |
Degree | Ph.D. (Engineering), Tokyo University of Science |
Specialty | Infrastructure Planning, Transportation Planning, Regional Planning |
Current Research Interests | 1) Urban Transport Policy, 2) Tourism Policy, 3) Aviation Policy, 4) Travel Behavior Analysis |
- Professional Career
1999-2004 Research Associate, Tokyo University of Science
2004-2007 Research Fellow, Institute for Transport Policy Studies
2007-2010 Assistant Professor, GRIPS
2010-2020 Associate Professor, GRIPS
2021-present Professor, GRIPS
- Selected publications
? Naohiko HIBINO,Yuki KOMAYASHI and Shigeru MORICHI:Status and Future Possibilities of Domestic Flights by Foreign Airlines,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management),20 pages,in Japanese,2011.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Shigeru MORICHI and Takao SHIMADA:A Study on Travel Behavior of Chinese Tourists to Japan by Region - Basic Analysis for Inbound Policy -,Annual Report on Transportation Economics,Vol.54,10 pages,in Japanese,2011.3.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Study on the Each Age Group Characteristics of Route Choice Behavior of Urban Railway Passengers,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.27,No.3,pp.515-522,in Japanese,2010.9.
? Keiji KRIYAZAKI,Naohiko HIBINO and Shigeru MORICHI:Study on Mechanism of Worsening Punctuality in Urban Railway Services,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.27, No.4,pp.871-880,in Japanese,2010.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Time-series Analysis on Characteristics of Railway Route Choice Behavior by Each Age Group of Urban Railway Passengers,Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research,17 pages,2010.7.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Keiji KRIYAZAKI and Shigeru MORICHI:A Study on Passenger's Flow at Railway Station for Reduction in Train Delay,Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research,12 pages,2010.7.
? FUJII, S., KARAKI, K., KUDO, B., IKEDA T., OKAMURA, M., OGATA, H., TAKAHASHI, K., TANIGUCHI, A., HIBINO, N., HORIHATA, F., HARA, F. and MATSUMURA, N.:Significance and Potential of Collaboration Between Civil Engineering and Societal Education,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,Ser. H (Engineering Education and Practice),No.2,Vol.2,pp.39-44,in Japanese,2010.3.
? Masahiro CHONAN,Naohiko HIBINO,Jun MORIO:The Trend of Regional Disparity Using the Municipal Level Data,Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan,No.44-3,pp.343-348,in Japanese,2009.10.
? Makoto NOZAWA,Naohiko HIBINO and Shigeru MORICHI:A Time-series Analysis on Expressway Bus in Tohoku Region,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.26,No.4,pp.671-678,in Japanese,2009.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Shinji HAYAKAWA,Shigeru MORICHI and Taekyu KIM:A Time-series Analysis on the Number of Tourists in Sightseeing Areas,Transport Policy Studies' Review,Vol.11,No.4,pp.30-36,in Japanese,2009.1.
? Naohiko HIBINO, Teramisu HIRATA, Michelle PARUMOG and Atsushi NIIKURA:Mode Preferences for Interregional Passenger Trips in Japan: Identifying Market Segments and Heterogeneous Preferences,Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation,14 pages,2008.5.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Behavioral Analysis of Passengers Railway Station Facilities Visiting Characteristics,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.7,pp.808-816,2007.12.
? Naohiko HIBINO:Aging society and change of mobility of metropolitan Area,Barrier-free Mobility in Asia and Europe,Wulf-Holger Arndt ed.,pp.18-21,2007.12.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Michelle G. PARUMOG,and Teramisu HIRATA:Tourists Behavior on Inter-Regional Transportation Network,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.24,No.2,pp.389-396,in Japanese,2007.9.
? Yosuke MIZUTANI,Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on the Railway Route Choice Sets for Commuters,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.24,No.3,pp.593-600,in Japanese,2007.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Akira OKADA and Kyoji OHNO:A Study on Transportation Policies Based on Travel Behavior of Elderly People in Japan,Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research,29 pages,2007.6.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Simulation Model for Passenger Walking Behavior at a Transfer Railway Station,Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research,17 pages,2007.6.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Shigeru MORICHI:A Time-series Analysis on Domestic Tourist Behavior by Generation,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.23 No.2,pp.399-406,in Japanese,2006.11.
? Yusuke KANDA,Shigeru MORICHI and Naohiko HIBINO:Impact Analysis of Airline Deregulation Policies in Japan,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.23 No.3,pp.771-777,in Japanese,2006.11.
? Yasushi SUGO,Naohiko HIBINO and Makoto ITO:A Basic Study on Improvement of Tourism Railway Services for Activation of Sightseeing Places near Metropolitan Areas,Annual Report on Transportation Economics,Vol.49,pp.233-242,in Japanese,2006.3.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Yoshihisa YAMASHITA and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Usage of Pedestrian Bevioral Data from Video Camera in Railway Stations,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.22,No.3,pp.531-539,in Japanese,2005.10.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Hisao UCHIYAMA and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Study on Evaluation of Level of Railway Services in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Based on Railway Network Assignment Analysis,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.6,pp.342-355,2005.9.
? Shigeru MORICHI,Soichiro MASUDA,Surya Raj ACHARYA and Naohiko HIBINO:Cost Benefit Analysis of Speed Limit Regulation for Highways in Japan,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.6,pp.1008-1020,2005.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO, Yoshihisa YAMASHITA and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Calibration of Generated Route Choice Set for Railway Passengers,Proceedings of the EURO Working Group on Transportation,pp.335-340,2005.9.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Takeshi TAKAHIRA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Measurement of Additional Effects of a Narita Airport Access Train,Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.5,pp.218-227,2005.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Taisei NAKAYAMA,Hisao UCHIYAMA,Takeshi TAKAHIRA:A Study on Methods of Acquisition and Usage of Pedestrian Transferring Data at Railway Station,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.21,No.3,pp.781-787,in Japanese,2004.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Tetsuro HYODO,Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Characteristics of Non-IIA Route Choice Models on High Density Railway Network,Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management,No.765 / IV -64,pp.131-142,in Japanese,2004.7.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Hisao UCHIYAMA,Taisei NAKAYAMA and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Study on Passengers?EFlow at Railway Station Based on Individual Transfer Behavior,Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research,13 pages,2004.7.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA, Hisao UCHIYAMA,Naohiko HIBINO and Yasutomo MORITA:Dose Improvement of Bus Access Service Relive Whole Public Transportation?,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation,6 pages,2004.5.
? Masai MUTO,Munenori SHIBATA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Mode Choice Behavior for Inter-regional Travelers on Holidays Focused on Subjective Factors,Transport Policy Studies' Review,Vol.6,No.4,pp.2-11,in Japanese,2004.1.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:An Estimation of Transfer Time at Railway Station with the Help of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.4,No.1,pp.135-147,2001.10.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Yasuhito OTSUKA and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Access Mode Choice Behavior to Railway Station for Intra City Bus Feeder Service,Proceedings of the International Conference on Inter-city Transportation,pp.415-425,2002.11.
? Yoshinobu KOIKE, Masai MUTO, Hisao UCHIYAMA and Naohiko HIBINO:A Study on Mode Choice Behavior on Holidays' Inter-regional Travelers,Proceedings of the International Conference on Inter-city Transportation,pp.426-435,2002.11.
? Hisao UCHIYAMA,Makoto NAKAMURA,Naohiko HIBINO and Yasuhiro NONAKA:A Study on Formulation of Car-Following Behavior as Spiral Curve,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology,pp.1501-1516,2002.4.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:An Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) to Transportation Planning,Proceedings of Applied Survey Technology,Vol.12,pp.59-65,in Japanese,2001.6.
? Hisao UCHIYAMA and Naohiko HIBINO:An Application of GIS to Railway Planning in Metropolitan Area in Consideration of Access to Station,Transport Policy Studies' Review,Vol.2,No.4,pp.12-20,in Japanese,2000.1.
- Social contributions
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Secretary
- e-mail: hibino
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