
HIBINO, Naohiko

Position Director, Disaster Management Program; Director, Infrastructure Policy Concentration; Professor
Degree Ph.D. (Engineering), Tokyo University of Science
Specialty Infrastructure Planning, Transportation Planning, Regional Planning
Current Research Interests 1) Urban Transport Policy,
2) Tourism Policy,
3) Aviation Policy,
4) Travel Behavior Analysis
  • Professional Career

1999-2004    Research Associate, Tokyo University of Science
2004-2007    Research Fellow, Institute for Transport Policy Studies
2007-2010    Assistant Professor, GRIPS
2010-2020    Associate Professor, GRIPS
2021-present  Professor, GRIPS


  • Selected publications

? Naohiko HIBINO,Yuki KOMAYASHI and Shigeru MORICHI:Status and Future Possibilities of Domestic Flights by Foreign Airlines,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management),20 pages,in Japanese,2011.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Shigeru MORICHI and Takao SHIMADA:A Study on Travel Behavior of Chinese Tourists to Japan by Region - Basic Analysis for Inbound Policy -,Annual Report on Transportation Economics,Vol.54,10 pages,in Japanese,2011.3.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Study on the Each Age Group Characteristics of Route Choice Behavior of Urban Railway Passengers,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.27,No.3,pp.515-522,in Japanese,2010.9.
? Keiji KRIYAZAKI,Naohiko HIBINO and Shigeru MORICHI:Study on Mechanism of Worsening Punctuality in Urban Railway Services,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.27, No.4,pp.871-880,in Japanese,2010.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Time-series Analysis on Characteristics of Railway Route Choice Behavior by Each Age Group of Urban Railway Passengers,Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research,17 pages,2010.7.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Keiji KRIYAZAKI and Shigeru MORICHI:A Study on Passenger's Flow at Railway Station for Reduction in Train Delay,Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research,12 pages,2010.7.
? FUJII, S., KARAKI, K., KUDO, B., IKEDA T., OKAMURA, M., OGATA, H., TAKAHASHI, K., TANIGUCHI, A., HIBINO, N., HORIHATA, F., HARA, F. and MATSUMURA, N.:Significance and Potential of Collaboration Between Civil Engineering and Societal Education,Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers,Ser. H (Engineering Education and Practice),No.2,Vol.2,pp.39-44,in Japanese,2010.3.
? Masahiro CHONAN,Naohiko HIBINO,Jun MORIO:The Trend of Regional Disparity Using the Municipal Level Data,Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan,No.44-3,pp.343-348,in Japanese,2009.10.
? Makoto NOZAWA,Naohiko HIBINO and Shigeru MORICHI:A Time-series Analysis on Expressway Bus in Tohoku Region,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.26,No.4,pp.671-678,in Japanese,2009.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Shinji HAYAKAWA,Shigeru MORICHI and Taekyu KIM:A Time-series Analysis on the Number of Tourists in Sightseeing Areas,Transport Policy Studies' Review,Vol.11,No.4,pp.30-36,in Japanese,2009.1.
? Naohiko HIBINO, Teramisu HIRATA, Michelle PARUMOG and Atsushi NIIKURA:Mode Preferences for Interregional Passenger Trips in Japan: Identifying Market Segments and Heterogeneous Preferences,Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation,14 pages,2008.5.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Behavioral Analysis of Passengers Railway Station Facilities Visiting Characteristics,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.7,pp.808-816,2007.12.
? Naohiko HIBINO:Aging society and change of mobility of metropolitan Area,Barrier-free Mobility in Asia and Europe,Wulf-Holger Arndt ed.,pp.18-21,2007.12.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Michelle G. PARUMOG,and Teramisu HIRATA:Tourists Behavior on Inter-Regional Transportation Network,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.24,No.2,pp.389-396,in Japanese,2007.9.
? Yosuke MIZUTANI,Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on the Railway Route Choice Sets for Commuters,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.24,No.3,pp.593-600,in Japanese,2007.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Akira OKADA and Kyoji OHNO:A Study on Transportation Policies Based on Travel Behavior of Elderly People in Japan,Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research,29 pages,2007.6.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Simulation Model for Passenger Walking Behavior at a Transfer Railway Station,Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research,17 pages,2007.6.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Shigeru MORICHI:A Time-series Analysis on Domestic Tourist Behavior by Generation,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.23 No.2,pp.399-406,in Japanese,2006.11.
? Yusuke KANDA,Shigeru MORICHI and Naohiko HIBINO:Impact Analysis of Airline Deregulation Policies in Japan,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.23 No.3,pp.771-777,in Japanese,2006.11.
? Yasushi SUGO,Naohiko HIBINO and Makoto ITO:A Basic Study on Improvement of Tourism Railway Services for Activation of Sightseeing Places near Metropolitan Areas,Annual Report on Transportation Economics,Vol.49,pp.233-242,in Japanese,2006.3.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Yoshihisa YAMASHITA and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Usage of Pedestrian Bevioral Data from Video Camera in Railway Stations,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.22,No.3,pp.531-539,in Japanese,2005.10.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Hisao UCHIYAMA and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Study on Evaluation of Level of Railway Services in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Based on Railway Network Assignment Analysis,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.6,pp.342-355,2005.9.
? Shigeru MORICHI,Soichiro MASUDA,Surya Raj ACHARYA and Naohiko HIBINO:Cost Benefit Analysis of Speed Limit Regulation for Highways in Japan,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.6,pp.1008-1020,2005.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO, Yoshihisa YAMASHITA and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Calibration of Generated Route Choice Set for Railway Passengers,Proceedings of the EURO Working Group on Transportation,pp.335-340,2005.9.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA,Takeshi TAKAHIRA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Measurement of Additional Effects of a Narita Airport Access Train,Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.5,pp.218-227,2005.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Taisei NAKAYAMA,Hisao UCHIYAMA,Takeshi TAKAHIRA:A Study on Methods of Acquisition and Usage of Pedestrian Transferring Data at Railway Station,Infrastructure Planning Review,Vol.21,No.3,pp.781-787,in Japanese,2004.9.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Tetsuro HYODO,Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Characteristics of Non-IIA Route Choice Models on High Density Railway Network,Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management,No.765 / IV -64,pp.131-142,in Japanese,2004.7.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Hisao UCHIYAMA,Taisei NAKAYAMA and Yoshihisa YAMASHITA:A Study on Passengers?EFlow at Railway Station Based on Individual Transfer Behavior,Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transport Research,13 pages,2004.7.
? Yoshihisa YAMASHITA, Hisao UCHIYAMA,Naohiko HIBINO and Yasutomo MORITA:Dose Improvement of Bus Access Service Relive Whole Public Transportation?,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation,6 pages,2004.5.
? Masai MUTO,Munenori SHIBATA,Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Mode Choice Behavior for Inter-regional Travelers on Holidays Focused on Subjective Factors,Transport Policy Studies' Review,Vol.6,No.4,pp.2-11,in Japanese,2004.1.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:An Estimation of Transfer Time at Railway Station with the Help of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics,Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies,Vol.4,No.1,pp.135-147,2001.10.
? Naohiko HIBINO,Yasuhito OTSUKA and Hisao UCHIYAMA:A Study on Access Mode Choice Behavior to Railway Station for Intra City Bus Feeder Service,Proceedings of the International Conference on Inter-city Transportation,pp.415-425,2002.11.
? Yoshinobu KOIKE, Masai MUTO, Hisao UCHIYAMA and Naohiko HIBINO:A Study on Mode Choice Behavior on Holidays' Inter-regional Travelers,Proceedings of the International Conference on Inter-city Transportation,pp.426-435,2002.11.
? Hisao UCHIYAMA,Makoto NAKAMURA,Naohiko HIBINO and Yasuhiro NONAKA:A Study on Formulation of Car-Following Behavior as Spiral Curve,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology,pp.1501-1516,2002.4.
? Naohiko HIBINO and Hisao UCHIYAMA:An Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) to Transportation Planning,Proceedings of Applied Survey Technology,Vol.12,pp.59-65,in Japanese,2001.6.
? Hisao UCHIYAMA and Naohiko HIBINO:An Application of GIS to Railway Planning in Metropolitan Area in Consideration of Access to Station,Transport Policy Studies' Review,Vol.2,No.4,pp.12-20,in Japanese,2000.1.


  • Social contributions

Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Secretary


  • e-mail: hibino

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