
HAYASHI, Takayuki

Position Director, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Program; Professor
Degree Ph.D.
Specialty Science and Technology Policy, Scientometrics, Higher Education Policy, Evaluation.
Current Research Interests Study on systems, methods and indicators for evaluation of research and S&T policy.
  • Professional Career

1996 Bachelor of Liberal Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo.

2001 Ph.D., Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo.

2001-2005 Assistant professor, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation.

2005-2016 Associate Professor, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation.

2016-2018 Professor, National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education.

2018-present Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies.


  • Selected publications

*T.Hayashi (2018), “Concept and Elements of Internal Quality Assurance: Systematic Review and Reflection of “NIAD-QE Guidelines of Internal Quality Assurance””, Research on Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, No.19, pp.1-22. (In Japanese)


*T.Hayashi and S.Tsuchiya (2016), “Difference of indicators of “excellence” among disciplines” in M.Ishikawa (eds.), World University Rankings and the Hegemonic Restructuring of Knowledge, Kyoto University Press, pp.325-345. (In Japanese)


*T.Hayashi (2014), “University Mission Differentiation and Challenges for Indicators”, The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, vol.29, No.1,pp.18-30. (In Japanese)


*R.Shineha and T.Hayashi (2013) ”Research Evaluation in Front : Institutionalization, Pluralisation, and Hierarchization”, Journal of Science and Technology Studies, vol.10, pp.52-68. (In Japanese)


*T.Hayashi(2012), "Possibility and Limitation of Indicators on the Social and Economic Impacts of University Research: Experience of Japanese University Evaluation", proceedings of STI 2012 Montreal, vol.1, pp.381-388.


*T.Hayashi (2009) ”University Research Evaluation Reforms and Governance of Science”, The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, vol.24, No.3、pp.231-242. (In Japanese)


*T.Hayashi, M.Shirabe, Y.Yamashita, and H.Tomizawa (2008) ”Effects of institutional research management on faculty research productivity”, Research on Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, vol.8, pp.21-41. (In Japanese)


*T.Hayashi and H.Tomizawa(2006), “Restructuring the Japanese national research system and its effect on performance”, Scientometrics, Vol.68, pp.241-264.


*Y.Fujigaki, H.Hirakawa, H.Tomizawa, M.Shirabe, T.Hayashi and J.Makino (2004), Introduction of Scientometrics, Maruzen Publishing. (In Japanese)


*T.Hayashi(2003), “Effect of R&D programmes on the formation of university-industry- government networks: comparative analysis of Japanese R&D programmes”, Research Policy, Vol.32, pp.1421-1442.


*T.Hayashi(2003), “Bibliometric analyses on additionality of Japanese R&D programmes”, Scientometrics, Vol. 56 No.3 pp.301-316.


  • Social contributions

2018-present: Visiting professor of the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education.

2017-present: Member of the advisory committee on policy evaluation, MEXT

2017-present: Member of the steering committee the research institute for higher education policy and the member of WG of top management human resource development, The Japan Association of National Universities

2017-present: Director of the Institional Research for University.

2015-present: Member of the 23rd evaluation committee, Science Council Japan

2014-present: Member of the evaluation committee of the program for promoting science and technology system reform, JST.

2014-present: Member of the evaluation committee of RISTEX, JST.

2012-present Member of the committee of human resource development, Council of Science and Technology, MEXT.

2011-present: Visiting research fellow, NISTEP, MEXT.

2007-present: Member of the steering committee of R&D evaluation, MEXT.


7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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