
HARADA, Daisuke

Position Associate Professor(joint-appointment)
Degree Ph.D. (Engineering)
Specialty River Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering
Current Research Interests Sediment Dynamics in the river basin, Flood disaster
  • Professional Career

March 2015: Ph.D. in Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
April 2015: Project Researcher, The University of Tokyo
September 2016: Research specialist, International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Public Works Research Institute (PWRI)
April 2019: Adjunct Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

  • Selected publications

1. Harada, D., & Egashira, S. Methods to create hazard maps for flood disasters with sediment and driftwood. Proceedings of IAHS, 386, 159-164, 2024.

2. Daisuke Harada and Shinji Egashira, Method to evaluate large-wood behavior in terms of the convection equation associated with sediment erosion and deposition, Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf), Vol.11, issue6, pp.1183-1197, 2023.

3. HARADA Daisuke, EGASHIRA Shinji, Tanjir Saif Ahmed and ITO Hiroyuki, Entrainment of bed sediment composed of very fine material, Earth Surface Process and Landforms (ESPL)、Vol.47, Issue13, pp.3051-3061, 2022.

4. Rahman, M., D. Harada, S. Egashira, Basin scale sediment transport processes using rainfall sediment runoff model - a case study of Sangu river basin, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol.78, No.2, pp.I_1099-I_1104, 2022.

5. Daisuke Harada, Naoko Nagumo, Yousuke Nakamura and Shinji Egashira, Characteristics of Flood Flow with Active Sediment Transport in the Sozu River Flood Hazards at the Severe Rainfall Event in July 2018, Journal of Disaster Research (JDR), Vol.14, Issue6, pp.886-893, 2019.


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TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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