
FUJITA, Yasuyuki

Position Professor
Degree Master of Laws
Specialty Local government finance
Current Research Interests Local government finance
  • Professional Career

After completing a master's degree in Public Law at Keio University Graduate School, I entered the Ministry of Home Affairs (currently the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications).
After serving as staff of the Administrative Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Director of the Planning and Coordination Department of Kasugai City, Political Funds Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Director of the Finance Division of Okayama Prefecture, Public Enterprise Management Planning Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Local Government Bond Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Deputy Director of Seoul Office of the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, Director of the Policy Area Division of Iwate Prefecture, Examiner at the Secretariat of the Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Commission, and Director of the General Affairs Division of Jichi Medical University, from July 2024 I have been a professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) .

  • Selected publications

?Co-author of “Latest Local Autonomy Law Lecture 9: Mutual Relationship between the State and Local and Regional Governments” edited by Fumitoshi Sato (April 2003, Gyosei), “8. National Local Dispute Resolution Committee and Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture ‘Winner Voting Ticket Sales Tax’ (Article 250-7 of Local Autonomy Law)

?Co-authored “Response to Local Government Finance in the Wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake: From the Disaster to the FY2011 Supplementary Budget (No. 1)” (June 2011, Local Government Finance, Vol. 50, No. 6), authored “5: Expansion of Local Government Bond Measures, including Revenue Deficiency Bonds

?On the Law Partially Amending the Political Funds Control Law (Top), (Middle), and (Bottom)” (April-June 2008, Election Times, Vol. 57, Nos. 4-6)

?On the Law Partially Amending the Political Funds Control Law (1) - (3, Complete)” (April - June 2008, Election Bulletin, Vol. 61, No. 4 - 6)

  • e-mail


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