Position | Professor |
Degree | Bachelor's Degree in Economics |
Specialty | PPP/PFI, PRE Strategy, Infrastructure Management, etc. |
Current Research Interests | Policy planning, promotion and human resource development for Regional revitalization and PPP/PFI, etc. |
- Professional Career
1992: Graduated from Hitotsubashi University Faculty of Economics
1992: Joined the Japan Development Bank (currently the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ)) After working in the Urban Development Department, the Cabinet Secretariat (Urban Renewal Headquarters Secretariat), and the Regional Planning Department, etc
2016: General Manager of the Regional Planning Department and Head of the PPP/PFI Promotion Center?
2019: Leading General Manager of the Regional Planning Department and Head of the PPP/PFI Promotion Center?
2021: General Manager of the Economic and Industrial Research Department?
2022: COO of the Private Finance Initiative Promotion Corporation of Japan
2024: Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) (current position)
- Selected publications
? "Japan's Advanced Technology and the Future of Regions" (co-author, University of Tokyo Press, February 2022)?
? "Regional Revitalization and Future-Oriented Public-Private Partnerships" (editor and co-author, Diamond Inc., December 2020)?
? "Management Reform of the Water Supply Sector" (editor and co-author, Diamond Inc., November 2017)?
? "Explanation of the Revised PFI Act" (co-author, Toyo Keizai Inc., October 2011)
? "Public Asset Reform" (co-author, Gyosei Publishing, January 2009)?
?"The key to successful regional revitalization in the COVID-19 era" (Financial Affairs, January 2021)?
?"Future-oriented PPP/PFI to pave the way for society: Public-private partnerships move to a new stage" (Nikkei Glocal, April 2020)?
?"Challenges for utilizing PPP/PFI and the role of financial institutions as coordinators" (Leisure Industry Monthly, January 2014)?
?"Financial institutions have a major role to play in solving the problem of aging public infrastructure" (Financial Affairs, July 2013)?
?"Possibilities and challenges of the revised PFI Act from the perspective of financial institutions" (Civil Engineering, December 2011)?
- Social contributions
<Public office record>
?Specialist member of the Cabinet Office's "PFI Promotion Committee" (FY2018-22)?
?Member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' "Study Group on the Management of Public Enterprises" (FY2016)?
?Member of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "PFI Review Group" (FY2019-)?
?Member of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Review Group on the Implementation of Concession Projects in the Water Supply sector" (FY2018-19)?
?Member of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "Review Group for the Introduction of Concession Methods for National Parks" (FY2023-)?
?Member of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's " Committee to Revise Guidelines for the Implementation of Concession Projects in the Sewerage Sector" (FY2021)?
?Member of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "Committee to Utilize Public Real Estate (PRE) through Real Estate Securitization Methods, etc." (FY2014-15)?
?Member of the Japan Meteorological Agency's "Discussion Group on Geostationary Meteorological Satellites" (FY2019-23)?
?Member of Kawasaki City's " PPP Promotion Committee" (FY2019-21)?
?Member of Fukuoka City's "Committee to Consider Optimal PPP Methods" (FY2013-21) etc.
(※ I also have a lot of experience as a member of the business selection committee for individual PPP/PFI projects of local governments, etc.)
- Other notable activities and achievements
<Lectures etc.>
?Concession Business Promotion Seminar at Regional Block Platforms for Promoting Public-Private Partnership Projects (December 2020, sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Cabinet Office)?
Keynote speech: "Initiatives and trends in concession projects, etc. in the water supply and sewerage sector overseas and the direction of public-private partnerships to solve future social issues"?
?Concession Business Promotion Seminar at Regional Block Platforms for Promoting Public-Private Partnership Projects (January 2020, sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Cabinet Office)?
Keynote speech: "Initiatives and trends in concession projects, etc. overseas and their implications for Japan"?
?Nikkei Regional Revitalization Forum: "Future-oriented public-private partnerships for future regional revitalization" (December 2019, sponsored by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun) Report and proposal: "For further utilization of public-private partnerships for future regional revitalization" ~Looking back on the 20th anniversary of the PFI Act and considering the next stage~"?
?Concession Business Promotion Seminar at Regional Block Platforms for Promoting Public-Private Partnership Projects (January 2019, sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Cabinet Office)?
Keynote speech: "Initiatives and trends in concession projects in the water supply and sewerage sector in France and other countries, and their implications for Japan"?
?Nikkei Regional Revitalization Forum: "Regional revitalization achieved through public-private and regional collaboration" (February 2018, sponsored by the Nikkei Shimbun) Coordinator of the panel discussion: "Regional revitalization and new urban development driven by the utilization of public assets"?
?Concession Business Promotion Seminar at Regional Block Platforms for Promoting Public-Private Partnership Projects (February 2018, sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Cabinet Office)?
Keynote speech: "Examples of concession projects and other initiatives in the water supply and sewerage sector overseas and their implications for Japan"?
?Symposium at the Japan Water Works Association National Conference: "Area expansion in the water supply sector" (October 2017, sponsored by the Japan Water Works Association)?
Keynote speech: "Current situation and issues in the water supply sector and the direction of future solutions" and panelist?
?Nikkei Regional Revitalization Forum: "Regional revitalization pioneered by government-designated cities" (March 2017, sponsored by the Nikkei Shimbun)?
Panelist in the panel discussion: "Public-private partnership solutions in the water supply sector"?
(※ I also have a track record of giving speeches at PPP/PFI-related seminars sponsored by regional financial institutions and local governments, etc.)
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