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The Returns to UK Degrees for Foreign-Educated Graduates

来源:上海立信会计金融学院   点击率:

主讲人:朱宇 英国邓迪大学经济学教授




讲座摘要:Exploiting information on foreign qualifications for the first time, we estimate the returns to obtaining UK Higher Degrees, for foreign graduates who migrated to the UK in their 20s. Accounting for direct measures of foreign and UK qualifications and country-of-origin fixed effects, we find substantial returns to obtaining UK (Higher) Degrees on hourly wages and occupational attainment for both genders, working mainly through occupational attainment. However, there is strong evidence that the effect of the high returns is driven by immigrants from countries where English is not a dominant language. Moreover, returns to UK (Higher) Degrees are more pronounced for graduates from low HDI/GDP countries suggesting an important role for the incompatibility of education and skills between home and destination countries. We further examine the robustness of our results by using a partial identification method and our findings suggest that the extent of selection on unobservables required to eliminate a positive treatment effect is too large to be plausible, especially for men. Our study extends previous research with the first evidence from the UK, by showing large positive effects of post-migration investments in human capital acquisition on labour market outcomes. Obtaining UK Higher Degrees appears to reduce the informational uncertainty associated with foreign credentials, facilitate cultural and economic assimilation, and boost economic opportunities for foreign graduates, especially for those developing/poor country immigrants.


主讲人简介: 朱宇,男,英国邓迪大学(University of Dundee)经济学教授(Chair Professor),英国剑桥大学经济学博士,南京财经大学公共管理学院客座教授, “家庭与经济问题杂志Journal of Family and Economic Issues)编委,苏格兰经济学会理事。研究领域:教育经济学,家庭经济学,劳动经济学,发展经济学,应用计量经济学。科研成果:发表SSCI期刊文章约20篇,包括Economic Journal, Economica, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Economics of Education ReviewEconomics LettersGoogle Scholar引用1500+次)。曾为欧盟职业培训发展中心,英国教育部,英国工作和退休金部,英国商业创新和技能部,苏格兰政府及皇家学会撰写咨询报告,参加或主持过英国教育部,British AcademyNuffield基金会资助的课题。
