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【国际经贸学院学术讲座主题】University Selectivity and the Relative Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from the UK

来源:上海立信会计金融学院   点击率:




讲座摘要We study the relative labour market wage outcomes of university graduates in the UK using the Labour Force Survey (LFS), matched to mean standardised admission scores at the institution*subject*cohort level. Unlike earlier UK studies, we are able to consider the effect of differences in undergraduate degree subjects, and in particular the selectivity of the subject studied and of the Higher Education Institution (HEI) attended. Our results show that selectivity of undergraduate degree programmes plays an important role in explaining the variation in the relative graduate wages across HEIs and subjects. In fact, much of the observed differential in relative wage outcomes across institutions*subjects is due to the quality of students that HEIs select.

主讲人简介 朱宇,男,英国邓迪大学(University of Dundee)经济学教授(Chair Professor),英国剑桥大学经济学博士,南京财经大学公共管理学院客座教授, “家庭与经济问题杂志Journal of Family and Economic Issues)编委,苏格兰经济学会理事。研究领域:教育经济学,家庭经济学,劳动经济学,发展经济学,应用计量经济学。科研成果:发表SSCI期刊文章约20篇,包括Economic Journal, Economica, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Economics of Education ReviewEconomics LettersGoogle Scholar引用1500+次)。曾为欧盟职业培训发展中心,英国教育部,英国工作和退休金部,英国商业创新和技能部,苏格兰政府及皇家学会撰写咨询报告,参加或主持过英国教育部,British AcademyNuffield基金会资助的课题。

