

Tarriela Jay Tristan

Country: Philippines


Current research interests

My research interest generally focuses on maritime security, as to how each country in Asia-Pacific confronts the broad security spectrum of the maritime field, which includes counter-piracy, drug interdiction, maritime patrols in contested areas, marine environmental protection and maritime law enforcement.


Background (school and work)

I was a commissioned Philippine Coast Guard officer before joining the G-cube program, assigned at the national headquarters and performed numerous functions in different capacities. These include providing justification for expanding the human resources and increasing its annual budget, the establishment of new Coast Guard bases to enhance its maritime security capability and restructuring the entire PCG organization in line with its present mandates. I attended numerous military and coast guard training locally and abroad. I completed my MA at the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy Graduate School. I was also part of the first batch of the Japan Coast Guard initiated Maritime Safety and Security Program which was administered jointly by GRIPS and the Japan Coast Guard Academy in 2016.


Why G-cube ? 

In order to better understand the intricacies and complexities of the maritime arena, it requires multidisciplinary and holistic approaches. This is the primary reason why I decided to join the G-cube, since it is not limited to a particular field. The program is academically designed to teach the students to evaluate the multifaceted dimensions of a certain issue through history, economics, and politics.   


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Sittipol Pacharoen

Country: Thailand


My academic interest is the study of Southeast Asia through a comparative lens. It includes local politics, governance, the politics of development, and democratization. Beyond this continent, I am also eager to engage with the political and development trajectories of the developing world.


Before joining G-cube, I received BA in Political Science from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand and MSc in Comparative Politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom. As a civil servant, I began working in the Ministry of Interior, Department of Local Administration as a Local Government Study and Research Officer in 2012 and then as a Plan and Policy Analyst.


G-cube is a unique and well-designed program for the future leaders. It not only prolifically provides me the tool for analyzing and elaborating policy issues from a range of perspectives, but also significantly enhances my leadership skills.



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Mbithi Antony Mwangangi

Country: Kenya


I study Economics and comparative politics with a policy inclination on emerging democracies in sub-Saharan Africa. My research interests entail the application of empirical methods in the study of institutions, with a special focus on legislatures, and the politics of devolution, development and representation.

I received my B.A in International Studies, at the University of Nairobi, with a First Class Honors, and a Masters of Development Economics Policy, at the Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management in South Korea.

Prior to beginning the PhD program, I was working as a researcher at the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, the government's Policy think tank. In addition, I have also worked as a research associate at the Center for International and Security Affairs, and at the Kenya Health and Sanitation Forum. Further, I spent two years of humanitarian work in South Africa and Swaziland.

I chose the G-cube program because of its multidisciplinary nature and its top notch faculty that will sharpen my research skills. I strongly believe that the program is well crafted to nurture the next generation of global leaders who will endeavor to solve the most pressing global challenges of our day. more