

Cherry Ann D. Madriaga

Country: Philippines


My current research interests include disaster risk reduction and management policies as well as climate change and its role in international security.


I am a graduate of the University of the Philippines Baguio with a BA in Social Sciences, Major in Economics and Minor in Psychology. I also took MA Economic units at the University of the Philippines School of Economics.


I have been a researcher most of my working life. Before entering GRIPS, I worked at the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, the policy think tank of the Philippine government, as a Supervising Research Specialist. Prior to that, I was the Industry Studies Head at the Institute for Development and Econometric Analysis, Inc., a non-profit and non-government research organization.


I chose the G-cube program and GRIPS because of the diversity not only of the faculty but also the students as well as the curriculum offered. I believe that the program can further train me in research and policy-making given the range of the courses.



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Churaporn Charoenporn

Country: Thailand


I study Economics and comparative politics, focused mainly on the policy making process and development for financial sectors. My research interest is how authorities can efficiently plan and establish proper infrastructure for the changing landscape of financial systems and ecosystems.


Before commencing the G-cube program at GRIPS, I had been working at the Bank of Thailand for four years. My main responsibilities are to assess and monitor the risk exposure of the banking sectors and to develop prudential policy and supervisory criteria, focusing on liquidity risk and interest rate risk, as well as to analyse the stability of financial institutions. I received my B.A. in Integrative Business Accounting, and my M.Sc. in Financial Management, both from Thammasat University.


Created specifically for policymakers, the G-cube program is a distinctive course providing an essential background for making policy decisions. Moreover, with GRIPS's reputation as a global hub for policy studies, the useful experiences which I can exchange with my professors and classmates, who have or pursue a career as a government official or work in international organizations, will enhance my view on policy formulation for each unique economic environment.



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Constance Sorkpor

Country: Ghana


My research interest lies in using political economy methodology to analyse and understand poverty, public policy and inclusive innovation, governance reforms, state-building and economic development, and sustainability, climate change and societal transitions.


Prior to enrolling in the GRIPS Global Governance programme (G-cube), I had the privilege to serve as a Teaching Assistant (TA) in the Department of Public Administration and Health Services Management (DPAHSM) of the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS). In 2015, I was appointed as Assistant Lecturer in the same department but with responsibility for teaching in the BSc. Administration programme mounted by the University of Ghana School of Continuing and Distance Education. I was actively involved in the design and preparation of learning materials and delivered these through the blended learning approach (face-to-face teaching and an IT based learning platform-Sakai) to students across the ten (10) regional learning centres in Ghana. I taught numerous courses including Democracy and Policy Making, Public Finance, Environmental Management, Local Government Administration, Management of Non-Government Organizations, Public Personnel Administration, Development Administration, Export Administration, Political Setting of Administration, and Constitutional and Administrative law. While serving in this capacity, I was also appointed as an adjunct lecturer to teach courses in human resource management at Marshalls University College, an Accra-based private tertiary institution. I hold a First Class Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree in Administration (Public Administration major) and an MPhil in Public Administration both from the University of Ghana (Legon-Accra).


I chose the G-cube programme because its structure and underlying philosophy seem to provide an interdisciplinary response to existing and emerging global problems that face the world today. Besides, the long standing reputation of GRIPS as a leader in policy studies coupled with its experienced faculty and diverse student population makes it a place of excellence. For me, learning from these faculty and tapping into the experiences of other students is an opportunity to step into this excellence and build the needed capacity for my future career goals.



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Rambandage Dhanushka Ravilal Perera

Country: Sri Lanka


I believe that advanced knowledge on public policy studies is the fundamental aspect to understand the path to achieving the development goals in my country. Therefore, I have carefully chosen subjects which are related to political economics in G-cube. Those subjects will provide a clear path to fulfil my research interest of policy implementation and economic development in Sri Lanka.


Before I joined GRIPS, I was a Sri Lankan Administrative Service (SLAS) officer in the Department of External Resources (ERD) in the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs. My duties included assisting and managing the donor financing in my department in addition to the overall administrative work of the Department.
I obtained my basic degree in the field of Agri-Business Management. In addition, I completed my Master's Degree in the field of Organization Management. Moreover, I completed a one-year comprehensive Diploma in Public Administration. I wish to be a dynamic leader in my country with knowledge gained through this program.


The G-cube program at GRIPS offers many career development opportunities, and I recognized that the overall course work and research opportunities in this program will provide a solid platform for my academic endeavors.



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Solomon Haile Gebrezgabher

Country: Eritrea


I am a third batch G-cube student in the global governance program at GRIPS. My research interest focuses on International Relations, Political Economy and Peace and Security Studies with a special focus on the Horn of Africa region.


Before joining the PhD program, I was working as Assistant Lecturer and Acting Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations in the Adikeih College of Arts and Social Sciences in Eritrea. I taught courses including Introduction to Political Science and International Relations to freshman students, International Political Economy and War, Peace and Conflict Resolution to senior students. My background education is Political Science from University of Asmara, in Eritrea.


I have joined GRIPS because it gives rigorous course work/training and encourages research on policy issues which African countries are badly in need of, and this will equip me with a broad understanding of issues in the globalized world in general and in Africa in particular. This will help me understand the challenges African countries and societies are facing and find remedial action for these issues through policy advice, research and teaching in universities to develop the necessary human capital.



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Usman Asghar

Country: Pakistan


I am interested in studying the impact of institutions on the governance and economy of a country and how institutions can be reformed in the historical and cultural context of a society.


I have been working in the Civil Service of Pakistan since 2005. Before coming to GRIPS, I was serving as Additional Commissioner in the Inland Revenue Service, Ministry of Finance. I have a post-graduate degree in Public Finance from GRIPS, Tokyo and also hold an M.A. in Economics from Government College, Lahore.


I joined the G-cube program because the program's multi-disciplinary structure is relevant to my research interest, governance and institutions. Moreover the program has been consciously designed to groom public sector leaders, which makes it a good choice for those working at the middle management level in civil service. more

Yin Min Htwe

Country: Myanmar


I am studying economics, public policy and international relation. My research focus is mainly on fiscal policy and public finance management to boost the inclusive development in third world countries.


Prior to enrolling at GRIPS, I worked for the Budget Department of Ministry of Planning and Finance. In 2011, I joined the Budget Department as a staff officer, and my current position is an Assistant Director mainly responsible for the budget reform and public finance management modernization in Myanmar. Regarding my academic background, I earned a Master of Commerce from Meiktila University of Economics in 2008.


My main purpose for studying in the G-cube program is to achieve enhanced theoretical understanding, an in-depth idea of practical approaches to decision making and strong analytical skills. I believe that this program will enable me to develop insightful knowledge in the areas of Public Finance, especially in fiscal management.



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Cho Seungrae

Country: South Korea


The focus of my study in G-cube is on policy-making processes in relation to rapidly aging demographics and political polarization.


After receiving a BA in Law from Yonsei University, I started to work for the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea as a career parliamentary official in 2005. During my professional career, I experienced a wide spectrum of legislative processes involving both the Legislative Counsel Office and the Legislation and Judiciary Committee. In addition, I gained deep insights into budgeting and public finance management at the National Assembly Budget Office. In 2015, I was appointed as a dispatched official for overseas training in Japan, where I joined the One-Year Master's Program at GRIPS and earned my MA in Public Policy.


I learned first-hand how G-cube provides a unique environment to broaden one's horizons by offering a wide range of interdisciplinary courses and opportunities to communicate closely with prestigious professors, global leaders, as well as doctoral peers. I am convinced that the challenges of studying in G-cube will equip me with the essential knowledge and skills for my future.



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Asami Takeda

Country: Japan


I study development economics and econometrics. My research interest is private sector development in developing countries including SME (small and medium enterprises) development, informality and gender, and their effect on economic growth.


Initially, I started my career in the private finance industry after earning a Master of Business Administration from Aoyama Business School in 2003.


Since I resided in Johannesburg, South Africa for 5 years under the apartheid era during childhood, I have deep interest in developing country issues, and I decided to enroll at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, GRIPS. I wrote my thesis on the impact of ROSCA (informal financing) participation on rural household schooling expenditure in Kenya.


After earning an M.A in International Development Studies from GRIPS in 2009, I worked for the JICA Research Institute for 4 years. I was engaged in several empirical research projects in Indonesia, the Philippines and Mozambique. My duties include conducting applied research including monitoring work progress and data entry work by local consultants, management of large data sets, implementing statistical work and contributing various papers and books.


Just before joining the G-cube program, I was working at the Permanent Delegation of Japan to the OECD in Paris for 2 years. I contributed to various development-related meetings at the OECD as a representative of Japan.


In the G-cube program, I expect to obtain advanced analytical and communication skills from distinguished and experienced faculty members and also from the fascinating classmates with different backgrounds.



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Bella Murungi Dutki


Country: Uganda


I am focusing on Advanced Policy studies with an emphasis on governance issues, and my research interests are good governance and economic development. For Africa to be competitive and an active player in global markets, institutional and policy frameworks to facilitate best practice have to be in place. This would not only lead to wealth creation and sustainability but economic development overall.


My working experience is mainly in the field of administration. Before coming to GRIPS, I previously worked at PAMS Foundation, a conservation NGO as an Account and Administrative Manager where I was in charge of the accounts and administrative department. Prior to that, I worked with the Institute of Corporate Governance in Uganda, an organization spearheading the promotion of good governance in Uganda, as Administrative Manager/Personal Assistant to the CEO.


I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences with a focus on Political Science from Makerere University, a Master's in Business Administration from Maastricht School of Management/Eastern and Southern Management Institute, and I am an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, UK.


I chose to study at GRIPS for many reasons. First it is a diverse environment in terms of nationality, culture, experience, profession and orientation that prepares its students for the diverse complicated world we live in today. This diversity creates a vibrant environment that is ideal for creativity. Secondly, the core focus at GRIPS is Public Policy Studies which equips students to truly be instruments of change. With skills in Public Policy knowledge, one is able to analyze and address social problems. Also, being at GRIPS will offer Africa an opportunity to learn from Japan through my experience here. All in all, GRIPS will offer a unique learning environment that enables students to acquire all the necessary skills ideal for a leader of the 21st Century. I have no doubt that after my studies at GRIPS, I will be better equipped to meaningfully contribute to solving the current policy and governance challenges faced by my country Uganda.



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