
Executive Training

Executive Training

Executive Training


Training Program for Local Leaders of Vietnamese Government

GRIPS conducted a ten-day training program for eighteen Local Leaders of Vietnamese Government from July 1 to 10, 2024.?
The core topics were Local Governance, Economic Development and Leadership which are the crucial issues for Vietnamese officials.

During the program, participants attended lectures given by: the program director, Vice-President Prof. Hirofumi Takada (Director of the Executive Development Center for Global Leadership), GRIPS faculty members of Prof. Tsuyoshi Yoshimuta, Prof. Kazuaki Takahashi and Prof. Kunihiko Shinoda, as well as President Masakatsu Okamoto from Japan Academy for Municipal Personnel and Dean and Associate Prof. Ayano Nishihara from Rikkyo University.

Photo of Prof. Takada's lecture

Participants studied a wide range of subjects mainly covering Japan’s actual experiences such as; local government system, decentralization, population issues, local government tax and finance, local public service system, human resources management system and evaluation system for public officers, administrative reform and fair administrative management in Japan, global warming and decarbonization, international stability and international cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, as well as leadership. After each session, the Vietnamese participants often asked detailed questions about the lecture.

In addition to the lectures, Director Masaki Shiga from the Regional Information Planning Office, Regional Policy Division, and Regional DX Promotion Office, Local Administration Bureau gave a presentation on Promotion of Digitalization in Regional Area, and participants visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

The delegation also took a three-day field trip to Gunma Prefecture.?
Through the cooperation of Gunma Prefecture and Isesaki City, they learned about multicultural policies of local government and personal and economic friendships with the Vietnamese. Particularly, they also had an opportunity to visit Koganei Seiki Co., Ltd. where 20% workers are Vietnamese. The participants were warmly welcomed by people of Gunma and had excellent opportunities to learn about Japan at a variety of sites.?

At the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications At ISESAKI Meijikan

On the final day of the training program, each participant reviewed the content of the intensive ten-day program and presented how they would reflect lessons learned in their work after returning home.

At GRIPS on last day

This program was organized with the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the joint statement of deepening the Japan-Viet Nam extensive strategic partnership.

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

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FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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