
Executive Training

Executive Training

Executive Training

2023.12. 1

Training Program for Vice Governors of the Philippines

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) has conducted a five-day training for Vice Governors the Philippines from November 27 to December 1, 2023.

In response to a request from the Local Government Academy (LGA) of the Philippines, this training program was implemented for the first time. A total of 34 Vice Governors from 81 provinces nationwide participated. The program included lectures at GRIPS covering various topics, including Japanese local administration, administrative reforms, local economic development, recovery from the pandemic, disaster risk management, and leadership. Additionally, they visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to receive a briefing on promoting digital transformation (DX) in local governments. Furthermore, as a case study of urban redevelopment efforts, we conducted a site visit to Yayoi Town in Nakano Ward, managed by the Urban Renaissance Agency (UR).

In each session, the participants actively raised practical questions, and lively Q&A sessions were held.

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