
Executive Training

Executive Training

Executive Training

2022.11. 9

Food Security Webinar: Post COVID-19 Food Crisis

GRIPS and Sri Lanka - Japan Study Center (SLJSC) of the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka co-hosted a webinar on food security policy on November 9, 2022, with the generous support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The webinar, which attracted about 75 participants, was moderated by Prof. C.N.R.A. Alles, Director of SLJSC.

H.E. Hideaki Mizukoshi, Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka, delivered remarks at the beginning of the webinar. Then, GRIPS Prof. Nobuhito Hobo gave a presentation entitled, “Post COVID-19 Food Crisis and Dialogue for Development” in which he discussed the recent trend of world food prices and the current food situation in Japan and Sri Lanka. Following Prof. Hobo’s lecture, Prof. Buddhi Marambe of the University of Peradeniya gave a presentation entitled, “Food Crisis in Sri Lanka-The Way Out” in which he explained the details of Sri Lanka’s food crisis.

During the discussion session, various opinions were exchanged on how Sri Lanka can overcome the current problems, also referring to Japan’s experiences.

20221109 SLJC-GRIPS webinar flyer.png

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