
Executive Training

Executive Training

Executive Training


Foreign Policy Webinar: New prospects for Japan-Europe cooperation in the context of recent global changes

The National Institute of Administration (INA) in Romania and GRIPS co-hosted a webinar on Japanese foreign policy on October 11, 2022 with the generous support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The webinar, which attracted about 55 participants, was moderated by Mr. Alexandru-Mihai Ghigiu, President of INA.

GRIPS Prof. Yoko Iwama gave a presentation entitled, “New prospects for Japan-Europe cooperation in the context of recent global changes” in which she discussed Japanese security policy, Japan-China relations and cooperation between NATO and Indo Pacific region. Following Prof. Iwama’s lecture, Prof. Silviu Rogobete of the West University of Timi?oara gave a presentation on the current world situation and prospects for Romania-Japan cooperation.

During the discussion session, participants raised questions about relationship between Japan and neighboring countries and region.

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