
Executive Training

Executive Training

Executive Training


Training Program for Thai Executive Officials on Leadership Development in the 21st Century

GRIPS had a three-day training program titled “The Training Program on Leadership Development in the 21st Century” for Thai executive officials. The program was requested by the Office of the Civil Service Commission(OCSC)in Thailand. It was held from September 25 to 27, 2017 and GRIPS welcomed 25 Thai trainees selected by OCSC.


HP用1During the program, Senior Professor Masahiro Horie (Director of the Executive Development Center for Global Leadership) gave lectures on “Good Governance, Government Reform and Innovation: Experience in the World and Japan” and “Leadership for the 21st Century and Trust in the Government”. The Thai participants exchanged views and opinions on HRM at their offices and discussed similarities and differences between Japanese and Thai cases.


The participants also visited National Public Service Ethics Board and studied about Anti-Corruption Measures and Human Resource Management system from Mr. Akira Yamamoto, Principal Counselor. They understood Anti-Corruption rules including its reporting system as well as how to establish the ethical culture in Organizations.


HP用2Besides lectures, the participants had excellent opportunities to learn about Japan at several sites in a very short time. They visited Tokyo Metropolitan Government Observatory in Shinjuku and explored Kasumigaseki area where most of ministries are located closely unlike in Thailand.

?On the final day of the training program, they had a wrap-up session presided over by Prof. Horie. At the completion ceremony, each participant received a certificate of completion of the course.


7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

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FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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