Executive Training
Short-term Training for the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China
GRIPS held a nine-day training program entitled the “China Central Party School Short Program 2012” from January 12 to 20, 2012. The program was held in accordance with a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between GRIPS and China’s Central Party School. GRIPS welcomed eight professors from the China Central Party School and Local Party School. During the program, the participants attended lectures given by Mr. Tetsuo Yamashita (MIC), Prof. Masahiro Horie (Vice President of GRIPS), Prof. Hiroko Ota, Dr. Jun Iio, Dr. Atsushi Sunami (Special Advisor, Cabinet office, National Strategy, Science and Technology, Space Policy) and Assoc. Prof. Eisuke Hatakeyama. To learn more about the present situation of the areas stricken by the Great Hanshin earthquake and Great East Japan earthquake, they took part in a field trip to Kyoto, Kobe and the Yuriage area near Sendai.