
Executive Training

Executive Training

Executive Training


Public Administration and Leadership Training Program for Promising Thai Government Officials 2011

GRIPS conducted the 12-day Thai Public Administration and Leadership Training Program (PMLTP) from 23 May to 3 June, 2011. The program was held at the request of the Office of the Civil Service Commission of the Thai government. GRIPS welcomed 14 promising government officials selected by the Thai government. They are in manager or assistant manager positions and all have a few years of experience. During the program, participants attended lectures given by PMLTP Program Director and Vice President Professor Horie as well as lectures given by GRIPS faculty members including Senior Prof. Hara, Prof. Masuyama, Prof. Ota, Prof. Ikawa and Prof. Komatsu. In addition, Prof. Takasu (Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General on Human Security), Prof. Tanaka (Director for International Affairs, Policy Research Institute), Mr. Oizumi (The Japan Research Institute Ltd.), Prof. Tanaka (Professor Emeritus of Takushoku University) and Mr. Yoshikai (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) gave lectures/seminars. This visit to Japan was a good opportunity for them to learn about the situation after the East Japan Great Earthquake as well. Leadership workshops were held three times at GRIPS with young executives from the public and private sectors as well as with GRIPS students to exchange ideas and build networks. Prof. Horie, Prof. Yokomichi and Assoc. Prof. Hatakeyama served as moderators. In Tokyo, participants visited the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of the Environment and a private enterprise, Pasco Corporation, where they were given a special lecture on leadership by Pasco’s president, Mr. Sugimoto. They also went on a field trip to Nara Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City to pay courtesy calls and receive briefings on local government administration reform and tourist policy. In addition, they also visited Shimadzu Co., Ltd., one of the leading-edge companies in Kyoto. Lastly, participants completed the training program by presenting concept papers on the “Challenges to Thai Society and Government in Times of Rapid Changes and Roles of Leadership in the Government”.


Completion Ceremony

Pasco Corporation in Tokyo

Shimadzu Co., Ltd.

Kyoto City

Kyoto Prefecture

Nara Prefecture

National Diet

Leadership Workshops

Ministry of the Environment


Welcome Reception

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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