
GRIPS-related news of each faculty member

■Professor MICHISHITA, Narushige

Specialty: Strategic Studies; Japanese Defense and Foreign Policy; Security Issues on the Korean Peninsula

*Information correct as of the time of publication of listed media.

Academic year 2024


Title Contents Media Date
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan Seeks to Preserve Status Quo With Trump. That May Be a Big Ask The New York Times 2025.2.6
Narushige Michishita Professor DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS: Miyazawa an outlier who feared N. Korea nukes in 1993 The Asahi Shimbun 2024.12.27
Narushige Michishita Professor Can the U.S.-Japan Alliance Fend Off a Chinese Attack on Taiwan and the Region? TaiwanPlus 2024.12.12
Narushige Michishita Professor Lessons for World Leaders From Japan’s Former Trump-Whisperer The New York Times 2024.11.7
Narushige Michishita Professor What if China gains control of Taiwan? Asian News International 2024.8.20
Narushige Michishita Professor Kim Jong-Un’s Biggest Fear, K-Pop, K-Dramas From South Korea Strat News Global 2024.5.11
Narushige Michishita Professor Biden and Japan’s Leader Look to Bind Ties to Outlast Them Both The New York Times 2024.4.7

Academic year 2016-2023


Title Contents Media Date
Narushige Michishita Professor Would the US intervene to defend Taiwan? Ask Japan. Vox 2024.1.30
Narushige Michishita Professor U.S., Asian Allies Quicken Response to North Korean Missiles The Wall Street Journal 2023.12.25
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan Relaxes Export Restrictions to Sell Patriot Missiles to U.S. The New York Times 2023.12.22
Narushige Michishita Professor Growing geopolitical risk stoking East Asian nuclear concerns, says expert NIKKEI Asia 2023.11.19
Narushige Michishita Professor Western machine tools evade sanctions to fuel China's nuclear program NIKKEI Asia 2023.11.7
Narushige Michishita Professor Biden to host stand-alone summit with Japan and South Korea, a first The Washington Post 2023.8.17
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan's New Security Strategy, Part 2: The Ongoing Debates The Diplomat 2023.6.8
Narushige Michishita Professor The pacifist from Hiroshima rebuilding Japan’s defences Financial Review 2023.5.19
Narushige Michishita Professor At Japan's G7 summit, the big elephants are China and Russia Reuters 2023.5.18
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan’s Defense Plans Are Big, Popular, and Expensive Foreign Policy 2023.4.10
Narushige Michishita Professor New Philippine Ambassador to UAE makes first public appearance in Dubai The Japan Times 2023.2.10
Narushige Michishita Professor Philippines' Marcos visits Japan seeking closer security ties Reuters 2023.2.8
Narushige Michishita Professor Experts divided over 3 key defense documents NHK WORLD-JAPAN 2022.12.16
Narushige Michishita Professor Who is going to pay for Japan’s military build-up? Financial Times 2022.12.15
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan should hold talks with North Korea to ease tensions, expert says The Japan Times 2022.12.6
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan, U.S., S. Korea becoming closer than ever amid N. Korea threats Kyodo News
The Mainichi
Narushige Michishita Professor North Korea Preparing for Nuclear Weapon Test as Regional Tensions Rise Time 2022.10.6
Narushige Michishita Professor North Korea's latest missile test reminds the world of Asia's powder keg Los Angeles Times 2022.10.4
Narushige Michishita Professor North Korea fires powerful missile, using old playbook in a new world The New York Times 2022.10.4
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan's Kishida Risks Political Fight With Vow to Take Up Abe's Legacy Bloomberg 2022.7.15
Narushige Michishita Professor

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Narushige Michishita Professor Shinzo Abe's death gives Fumio Kishida a chance to make his mark Financial Times 2022.7.12
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan Is Getting Real on Security After Ukraine Foreign Policy 2022.6.24
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan, U.S. and South Korea poised to enhance nuclear umbrella strategy NIKKEI Asia 2022.6.1
Narushige Michishita Professor 'China in mind': Japan mulls beefing up military as Ukraine war rings alarm The Guardian 2022.5.30
Narushige Michishita Professor Biden bids to bridge Tokyo-Seoul divide for Indo-Pacific defense NIKKEI Asia 2022.5.25
Narushige Michishita Professor Biden Pledges to Defend Taiwan if It Faces a Chinese Attack The New York Times 2022.5.23
Narushige Michishita Professor With Threats All Around, Japan Moves to Shed Its Pacifist Constraints The New York Times 2022.4.11
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan’s Kishida Risks Political Fight With Vow to Take Up Abe’s Legacy Bloomberg 2022.7.15
Narushige Michishita Professor Shinzo Abe’s death gives Fumio Kishida a chance to make his mark Financial Times 2022.7.12
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan Is Getting Real on Security After Ukraine Foreign Policy 2022.6.24
Narushige Michishita Professor Japan, U.S. and South Korea poised to enhance nuclear umbrella strategy NIKKEI Asia 2022.6.1
Narushige Michishita Professor ‘China in mind’: Japan mulls beefing up military as Ukraine war rings alarm The Guardian 2022.5.30
Narushige Michishita Professor Biden bids to bridge Tokyo-Seoul divide for Indo-Pacific defense NIKKEI Asia 2022.5.25
Narushige Michishita Professor Biden Pledges to Defend Taiwan if It Faces a Chinese Attack The New York Times 2022.5.23
Narushige Michishita Professor With Threats All Around, Japan Moves to Shed Its Pacifist Constraints The New York Times 2022.4.11
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on China’s threat in Taiwan and Military Cooperation between U.S. and Japan. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 2022.1.2
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the China’s situation and Xi Jinping’s ideolog. The Week 2021.11.28
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential race. The NewYork Times 2021.9.28
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s possession of aircraft carriers. The National Interest 2021.8.4
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the Japanese situation stuck at the Olympics crossroads. KoreaJoongAngDaily 2021.6.1
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan bolsters defences of the south-west island against China. The Straits Times 2021.5.20
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the danger to Taiwan in China’s growing military confidence. The Economist 2021.4.29
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s policy toward China at Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting. The Washington Post 2021.4.17
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s policy toward China. ForeignPolicy 2021.4.8
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on economic relationships of Japan and the U.S with China. The New York Times 2021.3.16
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the sending in troops to the Diaoyu Islands. South China Morning Post 2021.3.7
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the defense of US military by Japan’s military forces. CNN 2021.2.25
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on diplomacy with China was published. DNYUZ 2021.2.1
Narushige Michishita Professor Editorial: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the foreign policy of Prime Minister Suga. The Straits Times 2020.12.19
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the U.S. commitment to the defense of the Senkaku. The Washington Post 2020.11.13
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Biden’s commitment to “strengthen” bilateral alliance. The Washington Post 2020.11.12
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on U.S. military footprint on Okinawa. HONOLULU CIVIL BEAT 2020.11.1
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Quad. The Washington Post 2020.10.6
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Quad. The New York Times 2020.10.6
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on bolstering its defenses under Japanese pacifist constitution. The New York Times 2020.8.16
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Unrest in Japan-China Relations Caused by China’s Approach to the Senkaku Islands. The Japan Times 2020.7.27
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on concern about Japan-China military relation. The New York Times 2020.7.27
Narushige Michishita Professor Interrview: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the China’s Rise as a Military Power. THE DIPLOMAT 2020.6.10
Narushige Michishita Professor Editorial: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The Asahi Shimbun Digital (national newspaper) 2018.6.24
Narushige Michishita Professor Editorial: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the world situation with regard to the Korean Peninsula. Carnegie Endowment 2018.6.12
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on North Korea’s denuclearization. TIME 2018.6.11
Narushige Michishita Professor Interview: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the US-North Korea summit. The Mainichi Shimbun (national newspaper) 2018.6.8
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on relations between Japan and Korea. Chosun Online 2018.6.5
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. REUTERS 2018.6.5
Narushige Michishita Professor Interview: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on his perspective after the US-North Korea diplomatic talks. The Nikkei Business Online 2018.6.1
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on US forces in Korea. Joongang IIbo (Thuo Nippo) 2018.5.9
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s fears in the face of US-North Korea diplomatic talks. REUTERS 2018.4.16
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s being left behind by talks between the US and North Korea. The Asahi Shimbun 2018.3.14
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s firm strance towards North Korea. LA CROIX 2018.3.7
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s cautious attitude regarding the North Korean threat. Independent 2018.2.16
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Tokyo’s first ballistic missile drill. The Japan Times 2018.1.22
Narushige Michishita Professor Interview: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japanese security policy against North Korea. BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN 2018.1.19
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the Japanese framework for dealing with the threat of North Korea. The Japan Times 2018.1.14
Narushige Michishita Professor News: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita gave a speech at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on the North Korea nuclear weapons crisis. Nikkan Gendai Digital 2017.10.7
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the status of communication between North Korea and the US. Independent 2017.9.30
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Japan’s budget increases for anti-missile measures. The Japan Times 2017.8.31
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the North Korea-US situation. Nikkei Asian Review 2017.8.9
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on North Korea’s launch of a ballistic missile. The Japan Times 2017.7.9
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on North Korea’s launch of a ballistic missile. Nikkei Asian Review 2017.7.5
Narushige Michishita Professor Interview: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on North Korea–United States relations. The Japan News (by The Yomiuri Shimbun) 2017.5.10
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the North Korea related US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier issue. (Japanese only) The Mainichi Shimbun (national newspaper) 2017.5.7
Narushige Michishita Professor Interview: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on North Korea–United States relations. (Japanese only) αSYNODOS 2017.5.1
Narushige Michishita Professor Interview: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the situation in the Korean Peninsula. (Japanese only) The Nikkei(national newspaper) 2017.4.25
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the recent launch of North Korean missiles and Japan’s military defense. The Japan Times 2017.3.29
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the recent launch of North Korean missiles and Japan’s militaly defense. The Washington Post 2017.3.27
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the recent launch of North Korean missiles. Los Angeles Times 2017.3.12
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the recent launch of North Korean missiles. THE STRAITS NEWS 2017.3.8
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the recent launch of North Korean missiles. The Washington Post with Bloomberg 2017.3.6
Narushige Michishita Professor

Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on Asian and U.S. security

The Japan Times 2017.2.4
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professot Narushige Michishita on diplomacy during the Cold War.
(Japanese only)
NHK NEWS WEB 2017.1.13
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on North Korea’s missiles. Newsweek 2017.1.11
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the planned visit to Pearl Harbor by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Barack Obama. The Japan Times 2016.12.7
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on regional security in Asia. Nikkei Asian Review 2016.11.10
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on North Korea’s nuclear weapons.

The Asahi Shimbun (national newspaper)

Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the Philippine president’s comments during his visit to Japan. The Japan Times 2016.10.27
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: GRIPS Professor Michishita Narushige on the Philippine president’s visit to Japan. The JapanTimes 2016.10.25
Narushige Michishita Professor Editorial: GRIPS Professor Narushige Michishita on the nuclear threat to Japan from North Korea. The Straits Times 2016.10.1
Narushige Michishita Professor Comment: Narushige Michishita, director of GRIPS Security and International Studies program, on the U.S. presidential debate between Donld Trump and Hillary Clinton. Japan Today quote of the day. 2016.9.28

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