
GRIPS-related news of each faculty member

■Professor Emeritus SUZUKI, Mari

Specialty: Internal Medicine, Endocrinology


*Information correct as of the time of publication of listed media.

Date Contents Media
2018.6.3 Comment:?GRIPS Professor Mari Suzuki on?support for people with eating disorders. The Asahi Shimbun Digital (national newspaper)
2018.5.19 Comment:?GRIPS Professor Mari Suzuki on?support for people with eating disorders. The Asahi Shimbun Digital (national newspaper)
2017.11.15 Editorial: GRIPS Professor Mari Suzuki on the regulation for overly skinny models. YOMIURI ONLINE
2017.11.9 Comment: GRIPS Professor Mari Suzuki on eating disorder-induced shoplifting. The Mainichi (by The Mainichi Shimbun)
2017.11.9 Comment: GRIPS Professor Mari Suzuki on eating disorder-induced shoplifting. The Mainichi Shimbun (national newspaper)?
2017.6.19 News: GRIPS Professor Mari Suzuki appeared in NHK’s Heart Forum Symposium. αSYNODOS?

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