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2023.10.19 Publications
A new book “Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology” co-edited by Professor Izumi Ohno has been published
A new book “Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology” co-edited by Professor Izumi Ohno has been published from Springer.
This open access book (edited by Izumi Ohno, Kimiaki Jin, Kuniaki Amatsu, and Junichi Mori) studies how foreign models of economic development can be effectively learned by and applied to today’s latecomer countries. The key concepts are translative adaptation and local learning. The book is built on a research project by the JICA Ogata Research Institute, "Japanese Experience of Industrial Development and Development Cooperation: Analysis of the Translational Adaptation Process” (Prof. Izumi Ohno is co-leader of the project).
For the details, please click on the picture above.