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2023.02.16 Announcements

Assistant Professor Jun Goto received the Japanese Economic Review 2022 Best Article Award.


The Japanese Economic Review, a quarterly journal entirely in English, is published by the Japanese Economic Association.


The JER Best Article Award is presented annually to the author(s) of the best article published in The Japanese Economic Review. This year GRIPS Assistant Professor Jun Goto’s paper, “Distance to news: how social media information affects bribe-giving in India,” was selected for the Best Article Award.


Assistant Professor Goto specializes in development economics and political economy. He received his Ph.D. in Agricultural Science from the University of Tokyo. Before he joined GRIPS in 2022, Assistant Professor Goto was a lecturer at Hitotsubashi University’s Institute of Economic Research and in the Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kobe University.


Details of the paper: https://www.springer.com/journal/42973/updates/23788698

Professor Goto’s profile: /list/en/facultyinfo/goto-jun/

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