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2022.03.24 Publications
New books co-edited by Professor Izumi Ohno have been published
Two books were published in February 2022:?“Policy Learning for Industrial Development and the Role of Development Cooperation”?(edited by Izumi Ohno,?Kuniaki Amatsu & Akio Hosono) and?“Promoting Quality and Productivity Improvement/?Kaizen?in Africa”?(edited by Kimiaki Jin & Izumi?Ohno).?These?are the outcomes of the?“Research Project on?the Japanese??Experience of?Industrial?Development and??Development Cooperation:?Analysis of?Translative Adaptation Processes” at the JICA Ogata Research Institute, where Izumi Ohno serves as senior research advisor.?The books are intended for policymakers, practitioners,?researchers in developing countries, as well as the international community.
Vol. 1 “Policy Learning for Industrial Development and the Role of Development Cooperation?”
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Vol. 2 “Promoting Quality and Productivity Improvement/ Kaizen in Africa ”
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For the details, please click on the picture above.